Virginia: When You’re All out of Stockings, Why Not Watermelons? – IOTW Report

Virginia: When You’re All out of Stockings, Why Not Watermelons?

BFD: A pair of melon heads — yes, actual people with watermelons on their heads — caused quite a stir after they used watermelons as face masks to allegedly steal from a convenience store in a small Virginia town. MORE

11 Comments on Virginia: When You’re All out of Stockings, Why Not Watermelons?

  1. “The suspects were caught later that day when an officer noticed various insects flying around their heads at a nearby Gamestop store and, when investigating further, found watermelon seeds in their ears…”

  2. Who DOESN’T do that? I mean, c’mon!!
    It’s in the Constitution right after the right to bear arms.
    Congress shall make no law restricting citizens the use of melon rinds as headgear.

  3. If it had been New England they would’ve had chowder on their heads and disguised themselves as chowder heads. In Wisconsin it would be cheese making them cheese heads and then there’s always a few pecker heads as well. And in Frisco they could go as the Grateful Dead making them dead heads. And then there’s Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman.


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