Virginia: Youngkin(R) leading McAuliffe(D) among likely voters in Virginia gubernatorial race, poll shows – IOTW Report

Virginia: Youngkin(R) leading McAuliffe(D) among likely voters in Virginia gubernatorial race, poll shows

Just The News-

Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin is leading among likely voters in the Virginia gubernatorial race over Democratic nominee and former Gov. Terry McAullife, a new poll shows. 

The poll was conducted by the University of Mary Washington, and it found that 48% of likely voters back Youngkin, while 43% support McAuliffe. However, among total registered voters, 46% back McAuliffe, while 41% favor Youngkin.

According to Bloomberg news, this comes as bad news to Democrats, who hope to maintain momentum heading into the 2022 midterm election cycle. Historically, the Virginia gubernatorial election has been a bellwether for the mood of the country due to it being an off-year election. more

7 Comments on Virginia: Youngkin(R) leading McAuliffe(D) among likely voters in Virginia gubernatorial race, poll shows

  1. Honest elections have not been held in this country for decades.

    McAwful (his wife calls him that) will lose but will win when the votes are rigged then ‘counted’.

    If republicans want to win they had better be ready right now bc rest assured the criminals are lining it up now.

    Democrats don’t do anything well except lie cheat steal run up debt bloat government whine and steal elections.

  2. “Just The News-

    Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin is leading among likely voters in the Virginia gubernatorial race over Democratic nominee and former Gov. Terry McAullife, a new poll shows. ”

    Than after election he just turn into regular RHINO like they all do. Fuck it.

  3. Nor sure how unless voters are so fed up with the Ds. I hear or see no ads on the internet for him and his campaign never responded to my questions regarding covid mandates. Not Not way to win elections

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