Virginia’s March For Life is April 3rd – IOTW Report

Virginia’s March For Life is April 3rd


MFL: New York may have just legalized abortion up until birth, but unfortunately, our home state of Virginia is not far behind. State Delegate Kathy Tran recently introduced legislation that would, similar to the new law in New York, allow abortion up until birth. Thankfully, the bill failed in committee, but we also learned that Governor Northam endorsed this extreme pro-abortion legislation; even going so far in a radio interview to suggest doctors could make a decision on whether to provide care for a baby that survived a botched abortion.

It’s critical that every pro-life Virginian make a stand for life at the Virginia March for Life.


11:00 a.m. Rally at the State Capitol  – Capitol Square
12:00 p.m. March for Life Around Capitol Square*



h/t PHenry.

5 Comments on Virginia’s March For Life is April 3rd

  1. There is a 9am Mass before the march in Richmond, which has been moved to the Richmond Coliseum because too many people RSVP’d to fit in the parish church where it was originally scheduled.


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