Virginia’s Party Of Gun Control Has A Survey Asking You to Ban Guns – IOTW Report

Virginia’s Party Of Gun Control Has A Survey Asking You to Ban Guns

Virginia – -(  To show the sad state of the Virginia House Democrats when it comes to guns and liberty, take a look at their biased Legislative Survey.

On some issues, they are all about protecting rights: LGBTQ+, woman’s reproduction, voter, and so on.

But when it comes to guns, well, that’s very different. On the survey, the only things that you are allowed to agree with are all restrictions, limits, and bans.

Oh, they do have an “Other” category, where you can list your own items. How very magnanimous of those House Democrats!


14 Comments on Virginia’s Party Of Gun Control Has A Survey Asking You to Ban Guns

  1. There’s a Wyoming Republican law maker that just submitted a “No Fly No Buy” bill today. If anybody here lives in Wyoming you might want to give this ass hat a call.

  2. The idiots who assembled this list are obviously Constitutionally illiterate on how to modify the document to allow their brand of stupidity.
    They have 7 years and only require approval of 75% of the states. Good luck with that!

  3. *SIGH*
    “… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    No “maybe” “if” “and” “or” “but” “unless” “except” “sorta” “under certain calibers” “of a certain type” “pretty” “scary” “10 rounds or less” …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The VCDL is very active in VA, sucesfully staving off the tide of crap laws for a long time now. I wish they would fight more to change the laws so one could protect one’s property, however.

    The change in DC will empty out a lot of hangers-on in NOVA hopefully, and Petersburg and Richmond are in a liberal shambles. The superficial can’t last much longer. I believe VA will become a red state again.

  5. VCDL is fantastic. They’re a successful model for any state pro-2A group to emulate.
    Best website and email newsletter/action alert system that I’ve seen.

    NoVA is flooded with illegals. That will change soon.
    And the Trump Effect may supply the missing spine to the VA GOP.

    Yes, I can see VA going Red State again.

  6. It would be great to get the Ds leaving VA (or other state) to go to CA, IL, or NY. The Ds can have those electoral college votes.

    Perhaps states can set up “Go away” funding sites, to pay Ds to leave. But please don’t send the Diseased to AZ.

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