Virologist: NIAID grantee funded Wuhan coronavirus studies used in gain-of-function research10 – IOTW Report

Virologist: NIAID grantee funded Wuhan coronavirus studies used in gain-of-function research10

Just The News-

A prominent Columbia University virologist claims that in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic a U.S. nonprofit funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, China the results of which were used in “gain-of-function” virology research at the University of North Carolina.

Dr. Vincent Racaniello made the claim amid ongoing controversy over a recently resurfaced interview between himself and Peter Daszak, the president of the U.S. infectious disease nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance.

Both EcoHealth Alliance and the scientist leading the research at UNC have been heavily funded over the years by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which has been directed since 1984 by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic under Presidents Trump and Biden.

Fauci categorically and repeatedly denied that NIAID has funded gain-of-function research in a tense exchange Tuesday with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at a Senate hearing. more

6 Comments on Virologist: NIAID grantee funded Wuhan coronavirus studies used in gain-of-function research10

  1. fauci uses weasel words
    he says he didn’t fund ‘gain of function’ experiments. He did fund the lab that did it, but he tries to weasel out of responsibility by denying he funded, specifically, that experimentation. He knew what was going on- that is why he moved it offshore, after it was shut down here.
    He is possibly the most evil person to have ever lived.

  2. I wish I had the energy to go back and find the first time I said Fauci can go Fuck himself, but I’m certain it was before the end of March 2020.

    He has been an obvious fraud the entire time.

    But, now I’m done saying it. Now I believe instead of fucking himself, a couple of convicts should be fucking him in the shower every day because prison is where this piece of shit belongs.

  3. The man has been covering his ass for over a year as officials are busy investigating themselves. No credibility.
    He is a salesman.
    Like most people who are always in front of the camera.
    So busy working that he is at ball games, TV stations, media, dinners, hearings.
    I’m sure he is busy helping to design the Bronze Statue that is being commissioned to honour him. Most likely to take the place of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.



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