Virtual media silence as accomplice says transgender teen’s anger at use of biological pronouns motivated STEM school shooting in Colorado – IOTW Report

Virtual media silence as accomplice says transgender teen’s anger at use of biological pronouns motivated STEM school shooting in Colorado

American Thinker:

Imagine the media cacophony if an angry Christian had brought guns to a school and killed another student there who had mocked Jesus, perhaps an open homosexual who railed against “homophobic” scripture and those who embraced Christianity. The media explosion blaming religious Christians and the religion itself would be deafening.

But there has been virtual media silence over the revelation that one of the two shooters at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado last May 7 has stated that his accomplice – whom he blames as the instigator – was motivated by anger over being addressed by the pronoun for her biological identity as a female, instead of the chosen identity as male. Tyler O’Neil reports at PJ Media:

During a police interview, 18-year-old Devon Erickson said 16-year-old biological female Maya McKinney — who identifies as male and goes by the name Alec — warned him not to go to school the night before the shooting.

According to the Snapchat message, McKinney told Erickson she wanted to get revenge “on a lot of people.” She told police that classmates called her “disgusting,” made fun of her, and referred to her “as a she,” despite her transgender identity, the Associated Press reported. (snip)

McKinney also told investigators that she had specific targets at the school in mind, but “wanted everyone in that school to suffer from trauma like he has in his life and to realize that the world is a bad place.”

The teenagers confessed to breaking into a gun safe at Erickson’s home before the shooting. McKinney told police she threatened Erickson with an ax to get him to help open the gun safe using the ax and a crowbar. They found three handguns and a rifle inside. Both have been charged with murder and attempted murder in the shooting. McKinney has been charged as an adult despite her age. Neither has yet entered a plea.

Although Erickson claims being coerced, he is himself an anti-Christian bigot: more

11 Comments on Virtual media silence as accomplice says transgender teen’s anger at use of biological pronouns motivated STEM school shooting in Colorado

  1. Nobody on the left will discuss anything anymore. I have no political discussions with friends. And I think it is because they can’t really support any of their arguments but are unwilling to change their affiliation.
    Not counting the demagogues, of course, they just spout lies and imagine Republican hate.

  2. That’s why we used to put them in State Hospitals for the Mentally Incompetent and subjected them to EST, lobotomies, and beat them with rubber hoses when they acted out.

  3. “bad pronouns” ???
    Complete and udder nonsense!

    Give it a prison inmate number and throw it in a cold dark cell until it is dead
    no more pronoun problems.

  4. Yeah I went postal the first time someone called me ma’am. Not because they misgendered me, I was just shocked I’d crossed into “mature woman” territory.

  5. They can’t handle the fact that they’re whacked and the Left has handed them an excuse to be offended and uses them as tools to normalize and mainstream mental illness… and many of them know that too!


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