Mike McCormick– Midnight in the laptop of good and evil.

Laptop Special Report

Putin #1


10 Min

You want too see the real Vladimir Putin? Look closely at his expression in the photo above as he sizes up a hapless Joe Biden in a Moscow meeting in March 2011.

See the glare in his eye, the calm look of ruthless judgment, as then-Vice President Joe Biden tries to stare him down. Putin has as sociopathic a poker face as you’re ever going to see, the expression of a man so invested in winning he’ll have his henchmen throw his adversaries out of windows. Repeatedly. In cold blood. Because why not? Who’s going to stop them?

And what does Joe Biden have to counter Putin’s gunslinger’s stare? Nothing more than a pipsqueaky lifeguard look that wouldn’t intimidate a Cornpop!

What’s very revealing about this photo, given the circumstances surrounding it, is that it ever saw the light of day. My guess on the reason Joe Biden and his weak-kneed advisers, including feckless Tony Blinken whose hand appears in the corner, thought they they needed to publish it on the White House website was in the hopes Obama’s adoring faithful would see it and think of Joe as tough. Which the world is soon to discover he is not.

SNIP: McCormick was VP Joe Biden’s stenographer. Poor man. LOL.


  1. Never gave much weight to snapshots. Snapshots lack context. There is more than enough material to hate biden without this snapshot. The premise is correct however. Biden is a wimp. Puten will mop the floor with biden, given a chance. Not your grandfather’s United States anymore.

  2. Burr, time is the enemy.

    We have Covid and Biden’s “build back better” instead of polio and the great depression.

  3. Putin’s not that hard to figure out. He’s an old fashion mans man. He either respects you or will abuse you like the pussy you are. Putin has heard to many stories about Biden and Corn Pop looking him in the eye and staring him down. Fucking pussy Joe. Putin respected Trump. The big tragedy in the fake Russian collusion bull shit is I believe Putin and Trump could have worked together to make the world a much safer place. Liberals need to pay for their sins.

  4. Ya’ know, way back in the dark ages, during the Volstead Act, my Grandfather enjoyed a drink. Lot’s of people did. Unfortunately, that Volstead character made it really hard for people to get a drink. I dunno’, that Volstead guy must have been a real jerk.

    Anyway, one day Granpa’ decides he’s tired of driving down to New Orleans every weekend to buy a drink. So what he did was, he decided to make bathtub gin down in the basement. Not with a real bathtub. Those things were made out of cast iron with a heavy ceramic coating. It would have been murder hauling that thing up the stairs every time someone wanted a gin and tonic.

    No, what he did was, he built a still. One of those big boiler stills that you see in cartoons and really shady episodes of ‘COPS’.

    Now, the other thing my grandparents did, besides drinking, was hosting D.A.R. meetings.

    Yes, you can see where this is going.

    So there they all were, My Grandmother and all the lovely ladies of the Southern Mississippi D.A.R. having a lovely tea when KABOOM!!!!

    Whole still blowed up in the basement lifting the living room floor and dropping it back down.

    You’d a thunk the damn British were storming the Capitol. Smoke billowing out from the front porch, patriots running helter skelter all over the front yard.

    Talk about a scandal. Why, he almost lost the Mayorship of his little hamlet.


    A valuable bit of fambly history.
    “Don’t blow up Republicans in a still explosion”.

    It’s been one of my guiding principles.

  5. Pedo-In-Chief is worried if Putin invades Ukraine his criminal family will be exposed. the only person hanging by his ‘nads over Ukraine is Xiden

    this is probably not the game we think it is

    besides, Putin only wants control of the Crimea & the oil field … & he’s gonna get ’em.


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