Vladimir Putin has once again duped American media into thinking his opinion matters – IOTW Report

Vladimir Putin has once again duped American media into thinking his opinion matters


Breitbart: As the nation awaits expected remarks from American President Donald Trump on the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA)—the Iran nuclear deal—Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov weighed in yesterday, warning of “negative consequences” if Trump was to acknowledge the undeniable reality that Iran has all but abandoned its obligations under the deal.

“Obviously if one country leaves the deal, especially such a key country as the U.S., then that will have negative consequences,” Peskov told reporters on Monday, without elaborating. “We can only try to predict the nature of these consequences, which we are doing now.”

Russia is a regional power that has no business weighing in on the Iran deal or anything happening in the Middle East, or Africa, or Latin America, and relies almost entirely on Iran for its global influence.

Russia’s economy is fledgling at best—a woeful foe for a rival like its thriving neighbor China—and its military is doing little to prove it has the training and resilience to withstand its Iran-mandated role in the Syrian Civil War. Polls show its foreign interventions are unpopular at home, while formerly devout Soviet fiefdoms like Cuba—and, in turn, its fiefdom in Venezuela—seek support from more reliable partners.

Yet Putin’s team is so adept at crafting an ominous turn of phrase that his “negative consequences” assertion has alarmed American media. Some even compared Putin’s warning favorably to President Trump’s attitude toward the deal. “Trump is all talk on Iran—meanwhile Putin’s Middle East strategy is working,” a headline on the Hill blared this week.

The article was posted hours before Russian officials admitted yet another military accident in Syria.  read more

5 Comments on Vladimir Putin has once again duped American media into thinking his opinion matters

  1. Considering the wide range of things they do and manufacture, many of which we cannot do, such as put men into space, the Russian economy is at least as big as Germany’s and might be as large as Japan’s. And because of ham-handed, take it or leave it behavior toward Turkey, Russia is rapidly becoming the most influential country in the MENA.

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