“Voice of ISIS” Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi Captured – IOTW Report

“Voice of ISIS” Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi Captured



FPM: On January 13, US-backed Kurdish forces captured an Islamic State jihadi who identified himself as Mohammad Abdullah Mohammad, a Canadian from Toronto and reportedly the English-language narrator of Islamic State propaganda. The ISIS fighter had been sought for some time, but in Canada the focus of the story became the Islamic State’s displeasure over the jihadi’s capture.

“ISIL supporters upset about capture of prominent Canadian jihadi, say it’s demoralizing,” headlined a January 28 National Post story by Adrian Humphries. ISIS-friendly Al-Muhajreen identified the fighter as Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi and described his capture as “sad news for all mujahideen of the Islamic State.”

When news of Ridwan’s capture began to circulate, Humphries wrote, “the apparent joy from the enemies of ISIL, also known as ISIS, upset jihadi supporters.” They said it all served the interest of the “Crusaders and the enemies of the Islamic State.”

In the penultimate paragraph readers learn that Ridwan is “believed to be the same man as the masked narrator of a notorious ISIL propaganda video that features the mass execution of captured Syrian government soldiers. The narrator appears to take part in the firing squad. The same man is believed to be behind several recorded claims of responsibility by ISIL for deadly terror attacks on the West as well as reading news reports on ISIL radio networks.” So only in the walk-off do readers get key details about Ridwan, now 35 years old.

The National Post story says Canadian jihadi was born in Saudi Arabia but at age five moved to Canada, where he grew up in Toronto and attended Seneca College. In coverage of the capture by Albawaba News, professor Amarnath Amarasingam said the “voice of ISIS” sounded “distinctly Canadian” on broadcasts such as “Flames of War.” Ridwan claimed to be Ethiopian and travelled from Canada to Syria in 2013. The story closes out: “his fate is unclear.”

So is the fate of at least 13 other Canadian Islamic State fighters. Some, like Jack Lett, also known as “Jihad Jack,” want to “live a normal life” in Canada. Some Canadian officials are uneasy about repatriating ISIS fighters and favor revocation of their Canadian citizenship. Others want to put the ISIS troops through Canadian courts, as though they stuck up a bank in Halifax instead of fighting in open combat, torturing and executing prisoners, enslaving women and other atrocities.

Canada paid $10 million, plus an apology, to Omar Khadr, an al Qaeda combatant captured in Afghanistan. So it’s not out of the question that Islamic State combatant and propagandist Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi would serve little if any time and perhaps bag a monetary award plus veterans benefits. Given the Muslim fighter’s experience in broadcasting, he might get his own show on CBC radio. As this plays out, another prominent figure may be heading for Canadian shores.  more here

9 Comments on “Voice of ISIS” Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi Captured

  1. Can someone please tell me when it was that “civilization” started to mean a suicide pact? The ’60s? This piece of allegedly primate filth simply should have been shot on the spot. As should his “friends”.

  2. Either shoot the bastard now or wait until the Liberal Party is thrown out come October then let the Conservative Party then in power deport him to Saudi Arabia where he’ll soon wish the Kurds killed him.


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