Vote Against the DC and Manhattan Media Elite – IOTW Report

Vote Against the DC and Manhattan Media Elite

Townhall- Larry O’Connor

We Americans like to vote for someone. We like to feel good about the fact that we are standing behind a candidate who either has earned our vote through their past performance or promises a vision and path toward a better, brighter future with an articulated way forward from our current state of affairs.

It’s fair to view the 2016 election victory for President Donald Trump as a little of both. Trump provided a vision and path forward on three, clear themes in that campaign: Nominating conservative judges and justices, lowering federal taxes and enforcing our current immigration laws to put an end to policies that encouraged illegal immigration. He has accomplished all three.

You could add to the mix his promise to roll back federal regulations and renegotiate NAFTA and other trade deals to unleash the power of the American economy, and you’d be right about that too. You could also reflect on his promise to re-engage our military forces to remove the threat of ISIS from their footprint across the greater Middle East and to end long-term military engagements in stalemates like Afghanistan and Iraq, and you wouldn’t be wrong.

But, you’d be lying if you told anyone that your vote for Trump in 2016 was based on his promise to re-imagine America’s approach to the Middle East peace process and you hoped he’d somehow manage to secure peace agreements between Israel and three different Arab nations. Now you’re just full of it if you saw that one coming.

The point is, there were plenty of reasons to vote for Trump last time around, but I suspect he got a lot of votes from skeptical Americans who weren’t sure what they were getting in the real estate developer/reality TV icon. But, they knew they did not want Hillary Clinton as president. read more

5 Comments on Vote Against the DC and Manhattan Media Elite

  1. I turned on local news this morning just because I was curious about voter turnout. Folks were lined up at 6 this morning waiting for the polls to open in our big towns.
    Now we live in the sticks and our nearest towns are rural towns. I’ve never seen people lined up outside to vote at polling places. Now our polling places are Churches, Schools, Libraries, Senior citizen buildings, American Legions, etc. My daughter had to go two towns over this morning and she said it’s crazy. Parking lots full, so many people it looks like the carnival is in town. The only time in these little towns that there is traffic or crowds of people.

    I’m about to head out to our little Church down the road to vote, taking 5 people with me, and will see what it’s like there. I’ve never had more than 4 people in front of me voting. Usually according to the machine, anytime I vote before noon there has been 30 to 60 before me who has voted.

    So I’m curious to see how it will be this morning.

    Now we’re a dark red state, no way in hell people are voting for Biden. So people are that fired up to go vote for Trump.

  2. Headline!
    “Dixville Notch Sweep for Biden as He Becomes First Candidate since Nixon to Win All Votes in N.H. Township”.
    What it didn’t say was that there are only five people that vote there! Much Ado about nothing.


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