Vote By Mail Doesn’t Care About Integrity Or Your Feelings – IOTW Report

Vote By Mail Doesn’t Care About Integrity Or Your Feelings

“All this Trump v. DeSantis talk is juicy, but under the hood, there’s a far more pressing issue: Democrats fortified their COVID mass mail-in-voting apparatus. It’s a vote-harvesting juggernaut that will continue to produce competitive results no matter the GOP nominee.”

Election Wizard 🇺🇸@ElectionWizard·

Many factors went into last night. Vote-by-mail falls short of explaining it all, but it’s crucial to understand VBM has changed the game in many ways. 2020 wasn’t a one-off. There is now a well-established Democrat machine that will harvest hordes of votes during “Election Month.”

11 Comments on Vote By Mail Doesn’t Care About Integrity Or Your Feelings

  1. The election should be one day, paper only, period. Everything else is just about voter fraud. Overseas military voting should be the only exemption. I don’t want to hear about convenience either. Ridiculous

  2. @Big Papi November 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm

    > Overseas military voting should be the only exemption.

    Those who swear their allegiance to foreign rulers, should express their foreign preference. Special rules, for special people.

  3. We need state electoral voting. 1 electoral vote per county or parish or whatever. It would be so much harder for them to cheat that way. No more just picking the populated cities and creating ballots.
    If you did that along with one day voting, paper ballots, no machine counts, they would never win any state wide election again. Even California and Illinois would be red.

  4. Until conviction of vote fraud carries the death penalty (with accusation, trial, and execution within … say … three days) we’ll have to kiss any semblance of free and/or fair elections goodbye – forever.

    There’s no downside!
    These people commit treason and it’s laughed off as some sort of joke.

    Put it to a vote – let those who stand for treasonous fraud commit themselves.
    Let those who oppose treasonous fraud commit themselves, as well.

    It’s time to take a stand before our country descends into anarchy – or (a more odious) tyranny.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Old Racist White Woman

    California has currently STOPPED counting votes for four Republican Candidates while they go harvest enough votes to keep them from going to Washington. We’ve added one. Kevin Kiley. He flipped a seat. Hear about it?

  6. Brad, California has been so crooked for so long and it has spread like a disease.

    I would like an amendment that says all states must use paper ballots, no mail in ballots, one day elections, photo ID required, ballots hand counted and must all be counted within 24 hours of polls closing. Anyone caught cheating is punishable by up to death.

    I also wouldn’t mind electoral state voting. If you look at just about every state the majority of counties are red, very few blue counties.

  7. Brad, just looked at California, the largest results in for any office is 51%, the lowest 25%. How damn hard is it to count votes?

    Arizona has been stuck at 67% forever and Nevada appears stuck at 77%.

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