Vote-By-Mail Scheme Just Took Another Public Confidence Hit…Big League – IOTW Report

Vote-By-Mail Scheme Just Took Another Public Confidence Hit…Big League

TownHall: Look, there’s a reason why vote-by-mail has evaporated from the consciousness of liberal America. It’s trash. Literally. First, seldom do states have any experience dealing with hundreds of thousands of ballots. They won’t be able to be counted in a timely manner that’s for sure. Okay, we’re not talking months, but weeks-long delay is terrible for a country on edge. The opportunities for fraud will be rampant. You saw how long it took to count the ballots for New York’s Democratic primaries. In Paterson, New Jersey, their municipal elections were scrapped because 20 percent of the ballots were fraudulent. And now, even Democrats don’t trust the mail. Oh, the irony is sweet. If you can vote in-person, do so. It’s safe. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci said it’s safe. 

With the Postal Service warning about delays and other issues, like ballot rejection rates being a little on the high side, it’s funny how Democrats scrambled to push for in-person voting now. This scheme took another confidence hit because in Virginia, mailboxes were broken into (via WUSA9): more here

6 Comments on Vote-By-Mail Scheme Just Took Another Public Confidence Hit…Big League

  1. Now explain this to me….

    The postal carriers union endorses a political candidate for president.
    They have skin in the game and yet we trust them with mail in ballots?!?


  2. Last election there were around 125 million votes cast. The dems plan is to send out 150 million this year. Anyone else want to speculate how many of those ‘extras’ will be counted for slow joe?

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