‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’ – IOTW Report

‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’

Donald Trump writes ‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’ on his receipt while getting cheesesteaks in Philly

President Trump Brings Down the House in Philly: “The People of Pennsylvania are Going to Tell Crooked Joe Biden, You’re Fired!” (VIDEO)

12 Comments on ‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’

  1. I went to my niece’s HS grad open house. Her aunt is somewhat left leaning, so I made an “innocent” comment that Trump said he’d abolish the tax on tips when he was elected in November. She used to be a waitress and when I saw her eyes fly open with surprise, I KNEW I had her!

  2. I always make my tip calculation on the before tax amount on a restaurant or bar bill.

    The stinkin’ government is always looking for ways to tax the people. If they make it a law that tips must be based on the after tax amount, I will not tip at all.

  3. I keep my tips at 15%. Lots of people say it should be 20%.

    It’s not my purpose in life to augment the earnings of waitresses, but I do it to be kind. However, I draw the line at 15% of before tax is added.

  4. Ron Paul, when he was running for the presidential nomination, had cards to hand out with CASH in advance of ordering. The card said that the money was a GIFT, NOT A TIP and therefore not taxable. It was also his intention to end the taxation of tips and all incomes too. But Trump gets coverage of this, while Ron got none. Nicely though, when legislation was just introduced to end tip taxation, the sponsors acknowledged Ron Paul when introducing it. And seriously, ALL TAXATION is theft, and income taxation is SLAVERY to the government.


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