Voter Fraud Confirmed in New Mexico: Voter Turned Away After Illegal Voter Pretended to be Him – IOTW Report

Voter Fraud Confirmed in New Mexico: Voter Turned Away After Illegal Voter Pretended to be Him

The Pundit Press-

An impostor illegally used a New Mexico’s man vote three days before the actual person came in to vote. The incident occurred in Rio Arriba County. When the real person came to cast his ballot, he was at first turned away, being told that he had already voted.

Only when the real person contested, saying he had not in fact voted, did election officials review their files and compare the signatures they had on record with the one signed by whoever voted three days earlier.

The signatures did not match. Why the officials did not check this in the first place has not been stated, and required voter ID laws were not in place.


6 Comments on Voter Fraud Confirmed in New Mexico: Voter Turned Away After Illegal Voter Pretended to be Him

  1. ” …. but election officials will have to determine whether the provisional ballot can be counted.”

    So even if you get to vote after they know that you are indeed the valid registered voter and the other person who used your name is not, you can still be fucked out of your vote because of those corrupt sons of bitches who are the democratic party.

    “The phony ballot, however, will be counted, as it “cannot be identified or separated” from other legitimate ballots.”

    And even if your vote gets counted, it is canceled out by the other criminal vote.

    We need to put a stop to this shit in a hurry. No excuses. If your vote doesn’t count, you live in a dictatorship.

  2. Anybody who is against voter ID can just GTFO of America. They have no right being in a decent country, they should live in some sh**hole like Cuba or North Korea or Mexico.

    Democrats positions on voter ID, and amnesty are indefensible and unpopular with big majorities of the voters(the real ones, I mean). They should be beat over the head with those two issues in every discussion.

    And could we please put an end to early voting- it’s a fraud factory.

    And polling places should be videotaped, and the tapes should be available for anyone who wants to run facial recognition software on them. Maybe then it WOULD BE POSSIBLE to catch some of these a**wads comitting voter fraud. Just having the tapes available would make the scum worry – it might be enough deterrent, they’d worry till the statute of limitations ran out

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