Voter Fraud: If It Can Happen In Beverly Hills … – IOTW Report

Voter Fraud: If It Can Happen In Beverly Hills …

CPR: In a city in which an election was won four years ago by seven votes, every vote should count. But only the votes that should count should count. And that’s a problem in Beverly Hills.

Voter fraud is real. It’s alive. It’s happening. And we have to stop it. Whether or not it happens at the federal level, we know it happens at the local level. We have seen it ourselves and our own investigations have proven it happens.

Last week, at a marathon City Council meeting, the Beverly Hills City Council at my request unanimously agreed to launch an Anti-Voter Fraud Initiative. The initiative will attempt to use every tool at the council and city’s disposal to protect the integrity of our local election, the next of which is March 7 (and in which I and the vice mayor are up for re-election).

We will attempt to inform our own voters to help report suspected instances of unauthorized voters (“If you see something, say something”), as well as continue to lobby the secretary of state, our DA and other officials to take the matter of suspected voter fraud seriously and to take action. The decision to launch the Anti-Voter Fraud Initiative follows a Monday meeting of the City’s Sunshine Task Force which we created to make our city a model of transparency and good government.

Yes, we are frustrated.

Our frustration and the decision to educate, lobby and take whatever local action we can to deal with voter fraud is preceded by two council study sessions in which we discussed the matter with representatives from the local registrar-recorder and the secretary of state, one meeting more exasperating than the other. We shouldn’t have to self-police and we are extremely limited as to what we can do locally to put an end to voter fraud.

Some background information is in order, particularly for those who aren’t familiar with Beverly Hills, beyond the stereotype, or suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist.

In 2008 a local developer won a referendum by 129 votes which granted a controversial building entitlement. The developer spent millions of dollars prior to the election with all manner of expensive propaganda. The grass-roots group opposing the developer’s plans suspected that many voters who had voted in Beverly Hills were not bona fide or legal residents of the city, but nonetheless voted in the election.  more here

6 Comments on Voter Fraud: If It Can Happen In Beverly Hills …

  1. i wonder which side commits voter fraud

    would it be the side that riots and burns shit after they lose, or the side that silently sucks it up for 8 years and then shows up at the polls to kick the bullshit to the curb

  2. Oh no – some Beverly Hills liberals got their ox gored by voter fraud, so now its a big problem. If the issues on the Beverly Hils ballot had been ones that don’t really affect those privileged citizens – issues like illegal immigration or LGBT rights – then voter fraud wouldn’t be an issue for these folks at all. But voter fraud by a developer who wants to build something in that city is cause for national concern.

    Beverly Hills will probably be allowed to have a local ordinance designed to prevent voter fraud because, well, Beverly Hills – it’s a different and very privileged place. But no other politicians in the L.A. area want to curb voter fraud because that is their base.

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