Voter Guide – IOTW Report

Voter Guide

Who’s (or what’s) on your ballot
– and your recommendations.

48 Comments on Voter Guide

    “Workers Rights” (Load of horseshit that just allows government to spend more)



    ✅️ CATALINA LAUF – (Her opponent Bill Foster accuses her of being an election denier and the end of democracy and doesn’t understand science, and he took a page out of the Fauci book and claims he himself is science)


    ✅️ MICHAEL J. BURKE – (His opponent Mary O’Brien runs around with her hair on fire accusing him of destroying all rights for women, and of course the obligatory end of freedom. Michael is seeking recourse for defamation from Mary cause she’s a fucking straight up cat crazy liar, taking a page from Biden.)


    ✅️ DARREN BAILEY – (Really. Do I need to say he’s not JB Pritzker? The shit I can write about the goon JB would take all night)


    ✅️ KATHY SALVI – (Otherwise we got Tammy Duckworth. FFS.)

    All republican candidates are rejected out of hand and disqualified on grounds of being Trump supporters. Biden’s MEGA ULTRA MAGA BS has really trickled down and I can’t believe how many people keep falling for it, in another 2 years of this nonsense Trump will be by far the most evil force on earth, as the world burns around them with Biden (aka far-left nazi fascists) and his dutiful comrades.

    Ahhhhhhhh hell. It doesn’t really matter at this point, everything I’m voting for will be the LOSER, typical Illinois. pssssst, someone check this place for voter fraud cause I got a suspicion it’s on the next level.

    Then I just vote NO for spending & retentions, vote them all out and find better shit. And republican.

  2. In Pennsylvania:

    For U.S. Senate: Dr. Oz. Otherwise we’d be stuck with the creepy, illegal alien wife of the brain-dead mutant Fetterman.

    For Governor: Mastriano. He’s an R and a retired military officer. His opponent Josh Shapiro is another typical D.

  3. I typically vote against constitution/charter changes, they seem to mostly be proposed by leftists. I usually vote against retaining judges/justices because they almost always have a 90% yes vote. We have a Republican Congress critter running for re-election (Michael Waltz), his only opponent is a libertarian so I voted for that guy, just to keep Waltz’s % down a hair and remind him he needs to keep our best interest at heart. Otherwise, straight GOP.

    You know the old saying, Republicans aren’t perfect, but the other side is insane.

  4. One more thing, I despise these “non-partisan” races. Dems use them to hide their true motives. We have way too many of those offices in Florida, almost all city and county positions.

  5. Illinois FINALLY got rid of crazy Mike Madigan as tyrannical Speaker only to end up with lunatic JB Pritzker as the tyrannical governor.
    FJB has a dual purpose in Illinois.

  6. Just vote R across the board. A bunch of republicans are no good but virtually every democrat is criminally insane. Not too long ago that was hyperbole; today it’s understatement.

  7. No proposals or amendments on the ballot.
    This year, straight “R” ticket.
    Kick McMullen to the curb…..again.

    Next cycle, work to get Mittens out of office. We’ll see what the Utah RepubliTards do…..

  8. Come what may, the Democrats are going to be nasty, vindictive fuckers who are now additionallly and justifiably scared for their own necks in the event people ever actually find out what they’ve done…and they have two months minimum to complete the destruction even if everything goes as well as it possibly can.


    Don’t vote Democrat.

    Get as far from the cities as possible.

    Arm up.

    Ammo up.

    Brace for impact.

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  11. Ohio has voter protection on the ballot. Can’t remember if I vote yes or no cuz the language is always cryptic. Point is to keep non citizens from voting which is what I want.

    Straight R even though that means Dewine and JD Vance ☠️

  12. We have Mo Constitutional Amendment changes that run into tens of thousands of words – so they’re mostly Bullshit. If it takes 10,000 words to say something, obfuscation is obviously the agenda. So – NO.
    We also have a question of a Mo Constitutional Convention – again – NO.
    Jason Smith, MC, 8th District – YES.
    Eric Schmitt – US Senate – YES.

    The County guys won their primaries, so they’ll be elected (solid R county).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. PCP. JB the dictator of Illinois will also add the jab to childhood vaccines.

    This was disclosed in leaked memos that say he’s looking into how to go around the legislature to do this .

    Vote Darren Bailey

    With the state of the country these races shouldn’t even be close

    People are fools and gluttons for punishment

  14. We have lots of local school board and city council candidates but they don’t identify by party. They all use vague words and avoid red and blue in their yard signs.

    So I look at the candidates’ Facebook pages and then click on their supporters’ comments and open their pages. As soon as I see their posts filled with pink hair, Trump bashing, gay weddings, emo kids, and covid boosters, I know to vote against their candidate.

  15. In Indiana we have Mc Dermott who is running as a”free agent “on the democratic ticket for senate, claiming no party affiliation in his commercials and literature. Painting Todd Young the R as a big spender. Many in Indiana are mad at young for voting for the Chips act which was like 380 billion (which lately is pocket change it seems) There was a lot of pork for in the bill Indiana. So there is some anger among conservatives and maybe rightly so but they are making a stand refusing to vote for him. McDermott has made that his selling point and the polls are getting tighter everyday making it possible Indiana sends a democrat to the senate f’ing everything up and sending even more billions to the Ukraine, illegals and green energy instead. And while I would agree with the statement all politicians are self serving and this deal probably placed Todd Young more firmly in the millionaires club, This is not the time to send him a message Indiana. Hold your noses if you have to and vote Young. We can primary him in six years if he continues to be an idiot.

  16. All R. The D’s are lying profusely to get (re-)elected.
    Tony bought Polifarce to lie about Michels.
    Barnes, too, is advertising like a conservative. He must be Muslim to lie so much.

  17. Not overly excited voting tomorrow. Have to vote for people I wouldn’t normally vote for and would normally not vote in those races, but this year don’t feel like I can take a chance. There is one race I won’t vote in as it honestly doesn’t matter who wins as they’re all bad, labor commissioner, the Republican is totally woke, the democrat is a true democrat, the Libertarian is also woke but screams a lot about how those who don’t vote for him don’t want liberty.

    So I will vote for our current governor, the first time I have done so to keep out a crazy criminal female who switched from Republican to Democrat. Our former secretary of education, who stood with democrats, unions and union teachers.
    I will vote for Lankford and Mullin if I don’t throw up on the ballot, two that I haven’t voted for in years, Lankford I’ve never voted for, Mullin once the first time he ran.

    I only feel good about voting for two people, secretary of education and U.S. House rep.

    I’ll be voting against retaining all judges.

    I’ll be voting against our county giving the local industrial park millions of dollars paid for by raising my property taxes to give money to two companies who decided on Kansas to build anyway. Not that I would have voted to raise my property taxes even if they had not. It is stupid to give companies money to build and then let them have years of paying no taxes.

  18. The CCP owns or controls the MSM. If America turns RED, we have a chance to PROHIBIT CCP influence and publish what the communists have been up to since Carter. If Americans knew what the demo commies have really gotten away with no democrat would ever get more than a hand full of votes. Take-America-Down ballot measures would all fail. FJB, F the CCP.

  19. In my area I looked up past news articles to verify which school board members voted to mask the children, then I am voting again every one of them. I don’t care what letter is after their name. For the remaining candidates I picked the Rs that have never held elected office before and stated they were against any mandates. There were enough of those to fill 4 of the 5 open seats.

    I use FB also. Click thru some supporters to see the true colors of the candidate. Takes a bit of time, but very reveling.

  20. There is a free weekly liberal rag called ‘Las Vegas Weekly’ that has entertainment & goings on.
    The past few issues have had their voting guide and endorsements.
    Of course it’s 98% democrats but there are a few Rinos and non-denom positions they are endorsing.
    This helps me out so much.
    I tore out the sheet for the down-ballot candidates and will vote for THE OTHER GUYS.

  21. Michigan
    Prop 1, 2 and 3 = NO for all three!!!
    If you see 1 and 2 it looks like a big yes for term limits and voter ID’s, but if you read the whole document it has some tricky wording and it doesn’t stop term limits or voting without ID”a.

  22. Illinois here 😒 SW suburban Chicago.

    I’m surrounded by the enemy. I will not surrender. Tell my mother and father that they raised a son who knew how to die like a man. standing with his chin high and back erect. 💪🏽🇺🇸

  23. Here in SC (which carried PDJT twice) Tim Scott is on the ballet, Henry Mcmaster is up against Cunningham (d) who is promising to do away with state taxes and legalize weed…, two Constitutional amendments both about increasing the fricken “rainy day fund”….. NO AND NO!

  24. Voting straight Republican of course. Praying for a miracle every time.
    Maybe THIS year.
    Il. 54th district in particular please vote Michele Hunter(R) against the (D) AOC of the northern suburbs MaryBeth Canty!

  25. Just vote Republican, not because they are going to bring epic change right away but at least none of them are promoting porn books in school, child mutilation, forced medical interventions, baby murder, defunding the police and shutting off oil/natural gas. In other words they aren’t a death cult. And hopefully we can get enough America first candidates elected to start to reverse course.

  26. Who to vote for? Hint – look for the little (R) after the name. Primaries are for weeding out RINOs before the general election, which we still seem to fail miserably at. Today is simply “get rid of Democrat” day.

  27. Ohio
    Issue 2 reinforces voter qualifications

    Issue 2 would include language in the state constitution that reinforces the qualifications to vote, with an emphasis on making sure that non-U.S. citizens cannot participate in elections.

    The issue came up when the village of Yellow Springs tried to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. Republican Representative Bill Seitz says more and more cities around the country are attempting the same thing.

    Yellow Springs where all the has heads live. Vote ‘yes’ on Issue 2 to keep non-citizens from voting in our elections.

    Also Ohio Supreme Court justices and Chief Justice. The D’s are all anti First and Second Amendment.

    County issues – a big fat ‘no’ to the Biden inspired health department levy – all Covid all the time and nothing else, a big fat no to the park district for screwing over our township, a definite yes for the fire and rescue squad levy.

    As much as I do not like him vote for DeWine because Nan Whaley is a leftist loon who has turned Dayton into a shit hole.

  28. Our local school district has a proposition to allow them to acquire land and build affordable housing for teachers. I’m sure the next step would be to provide their housing with private security, and other perks… Some animals are more equal than others. Typical Communists… They’re not even hiding it, not even here in Texas.


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