Voter Integrity Is the New Voting System Upgrade – IOTW Report

Voter Integrity Is the New Voting System Upgrade

Entrepenuers Break

New York, NY
The whole world is watching as the United States of America undertakes the most comprehensive election audits in the history of the country.  Before the 2020 general election it seems very few American citizens paid attention to the significant issues surrounding America voting machines and systems, yet when for the first time in history the counting of ballots on the evening of the Presidential election stopped – citizens took notice and are now starting to look very closely.

From November 2020 through March of 2021 most social media platforms blocked any user postings daring to talk about election fraud or voter fraud.  This social media move to censor free speech across supposedly free platforms has most Americans enraged. This rage has now turned into a brand-new social movement of its own.  Election Integrity.

From 1970 through 1989 (then again in 1990-1992) a radical book on voter and election fraud came out titled VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James M and Kenneth P Collier.  In their book, the brothers pointed out numerous voting machine problems, most identical to the ones being talked about and litigated currently as a result of the 2020 general election. more

10 Comments on Voter Integrity Is the New Voting System Upgrade

  1. “Who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
    Rip off the mask and let’s see.”

    We need to rip off their faces after they’re exposed.
    Voter Fraud is Treason. PERIOD.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Amazing how far people who call themselves Americans have fallen. Many of our neighbors and people we call friends have demonstrated they have zero moral value, and should not be trusted with the welfare of America.

  3. I used to think that voter fraud was a problem confined to urban democrat precincts and having only marginal effects on national voting. But the vote fraud virus is the actual epidemic plaguing the whole country, and when the margin can’t swing it for them, they can exert leverage down to the local level anywhere.

    And this:

    “Pulitzer says almost every manufacturer in the world licenses his patents, except for ‘Huawei out of China. They don’t license it. They just use it.’ His technology is on 12 billion devices globally.”

    I cannot say this enough: Brad Raffensperger, the corrupt SOS of Georgia, has a brother named Ron who works for Huawei in China. We are far along a crooked road, my friends.

  4. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for President Trump. To some this may sound sarcastic but it is not. His light has exposed the entirety of federal, state and local government fraud and corruption.

  5. Uncle Xi sez: “The enverope prease”
    (opens envelope)

    And the message iz: “If we can put a fumbling, stumbling, bumbling imbecile in the White House, we can put ANYONE in ANY office!”

    “We raff at yer audit”


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