Voter Registration Data in Battleground States Shows Huge Boost for GOP – IOTW Report

Voter Registration Data in Battleground States Shows Huge Boost for GOP

Dan Bongino: Voter registration data bodes well for President Donald Trump in a handful of key states.

The registration data shows Republicans gaining more voters than Democrats, and Democrats lagging their 2016 registration numbers in two cases. The data, which is from March through September, is as follows:

  • Florida: Republicans added 195,652 voters while Democrats added 98,262. In 2016 Republicans added 182,983 and Democrats added 163,982 over the same time period.
  • Pennsylvania: Republicans added 135,619 voters while Democrats added 57,985. In 2016 Republicans added 177,016 and Democrats added 155,269.
  • North Carolina: Republicans added 83,785 voters while Democrats added 38,137. In 2016 Republicans added 54,157 while Democrats added 38,931.

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5 Comments on Voter Registration Data in Battleground States Shows Huge Boost for GOP

  1. “Other” have plenty of Demwit voters included. The rest, well, it just depends how they feel on election day who they vote for – Mickey Mouse and write-ins are popular with this bunch.

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