Voters Continue Abandoning Biden As Several Issues Continue to Plague White House – IOTW Report

Voters Continue Abandoning Biden As Several Issues Continue to Plague White House

Conservative Brief:

President Biden’s job approval numbers continue tanking, along with those of his vice president, Kamala Harris, because the issues most Americans are concerned about continuing to get worse, according to a Sunday assessment.

The disenfranchisement among voters is not just with Biden and Harris, however, but extends to the Democratic Party itself, the Washington Examiner reported.

The site notes:

Biden’s job approval rating had nosedived to near 40% as the annual holiday season commenced, with Republicans taking the lead in generic-ballot polling gauging which party voters would prefer be in charge on Capitol Hill. The corresponding changes in Democratic and GOP fortunes have coincided with skyrocketing inflation and lingering pandemic conditions that are causing anxiety and frustration among the independents and suburban Republicans whose critical votes put Biden and the Democrats in power.

Challenging economic conditions and risks from the coronavirus would pose political hurdles for any administration, as they did for former President Donald Trump. But Republican pollsters say the troubles afflicting Biden that threaten to remove congressional Democrats from power in 2022 run deeper. For voters, inflation and the pandemic are priorities. Meanwhile, they see Democrats in Washington focused on creating and expanding social programs — and fighting among themselves to do it.

“The agenda the Democrats are pushing is not the agenda the American people feel they’re dealing with,” David Winston, a GOP pollster who advises congressional Republicans, told the Examiner. “This is a more fundamental problem.” more

10 Comments on Voters Continue Abandoning Biden As Several Issues Continue to Plague White House

  1. Joey
    NOVEMBER 29, 2021 AT 8:30 AM
    “The shelves may be empty, but my drawers are full!”

    You know what ELSE is fulll?

    The ballot box.

    Full of Democrat votes no matter what.

    …in fact, you COULD say it’s so full, it’s *giggle* “stuffed”…

  2. “…that are causing anxiety and frustration among the independents and suburban Republicans whose critical votes put Biden and the Democrats in power.”

    No. Fake ballots, rigged voting machines, manipulating numbers, the CCP, and Soros put “Biden and the Democrats in power”.

    As long as so-called journalists keep writing things like this, the truth of the Democrats’ election fraud and overthrow of legitimate elections and our government will never be acknowledged.

  3. It’s the same old shit and every fucking time we seem to fall for it. Just a few months ago Larry Elder was polling close to Newsome and got trounced.

    I’m still surprised that Youngkin won VA but he’s not even sworn in and has come through like a Romney clone. So there’s that.

    There are a handful of Rs in Congress that won’t go along with the 2020 fraud but they are either ignored or labeled kooks by their colleagues or the media.

    They need to have us think elections matter and they’re doing it with these polls. When it finally sinks in that voting HARDERER to an even bigger chunk of Americans isn’t a winning proposition
    then all bets are off.

  4. All the SQUIRRELS!! in the world can’t distract even the stupiedest amongst us from the sore fact that biden* ain’t no chocolate jesus.

    Even more than obola, his is the touch of King Merdas.
    And yes, that is in accordance to their plan.

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