Voters: Virus briefings show ‘bias and disrespect’ of Trump by media – IOTW Report

Voters: Virus briefings show ‘bias and disrespect’ of Trump by media

Wa Examiner:

American voters see an anti-Trump bias in the media, and half believe the media are trying to “move the blame” for the coronavirus away from China and to the president to help defeat him in November.

What’s more, a majority of those who watch the daily briefings said the media are disrespectful of the president.

The latest McLaughlin & Associates poll found that 49% of voters believe the media are helping the Democrats take out Trump in the current crisis.

The poll analysis shared with Secrets read, “The plurality of voters, 49%, agreed with the statement, ‘The Democrats and liberal national media are trying to move the blame for the spread of coronavirus away from China to President Trump for partisan political gain just to win the November elections’; only 42% disagreed. Republicans overwhelmingly agreed 80% to 15%. Independents agreed 47% to 43%, and even 22% of Democrats agreed.” read more

6 Comments on Voters: Virus briefings show ‘bias and disrespect’ of Trump by media

  1. Trump is a media genius and has staged these events so the american people can see journalists up close and personal. Trump is betting the voters will conclude the media are scum and that hell win votes in the process. I would not bet vs trump. Hes pretty good, some say really good, maybe even the best ever…


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