Voyager 1 Becoming Bidenesque – IOTW Report

Voyager 1 Becoming Bidenesque

NASA Concerned as Voyager 1 Sending Back Incomprehensible Code.


NASA’s two Voyager spacecraft have spent almost half a century traveling through distant space.

The probes, which launched less than a month apart in the summer of 1977, have survived a lot, from dwindling power supplies and grimy thrusters to near-fatal software glitches.

Voyager 1, in particular, which is currently floating past the generally-defined edge of the solar system some 15 billion miles away, is looking worse for wear these days.

Most recently, scientists became worried after the lonely probe started sending nonsensical messages back to Earth — as if its senility was catching up with it. more here

30 Comments on Voyager 1 Becoming Bidenesque

  1. Joey thinks that Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry on that gold album should’ve been Joey B Goode. I’ve always wondered what space aliens would think of hearing Chuck Berry singing Johnny G Goode. And it’s a good thing that they didn’t put any Slim Whitman music on that gold album.

  2. 1977, back when Biden had already been sucking off the government teat for the better part of a decade and “Tonight’s the Night (Gonna Be Alright)” by Rod Stewart was #1.

  3. Should have been called Voyeur. It keeps peeking into aliens’ private parts. Got itself a bloody arial and a broken solar panel and is no longer able to communicate. Not only that, the Star Patrol is trying to find it in order to arrest it. There are morality laws in effect beyond our solar system.

  4. Voyager was an incredible accomplishment of M’erican engineering that surpassed its expectations and delivered for MANY MANY years beyond what was expected of it.

    I have a 1960’s refrigerator in the back of the office that has been running like a clock since it was plugged in, moved to 3 different locations and STILL in not rotting in a landfill.

    We/The World, has to get back to that kind of reliability & real conservation rather than the Bull Crap disposable world we live in today.

    Cheers, & Good Job!

  5. Kcir – we had my parent’s International Harvester refrig they bought in 1951… in 1985. We finally changed it out in favor of something more stylish (not because it didn’t work), but I’ll bet you that it’s still ticking John Cameron Swayze style somewhere!!

  6. BTW – That is a really great point about reliability and landfill junk! We’ve since gone thru three refrigerators (Samsung being the absolute worst – lasted three years, repaired twice and sianora to bad garbage!)
    I fail to understand how ANYTHING is more “Planet Friendly” than unreliable crap!! As you say, it’s just more landfill!

  7. Got a Frigidaire, been running every day since 2000. Had to replace the relay and overload with a universal $10 part. The OEM literally crumbled in my hand when I went to remove it. When I contacted the manufacturer they said the part was no longer manufactured and their recommended course of action was to replace the entire refrigerator. Stupid, for a freaking $10 part, and they even suggested to NOT use a universal part.

  8. My mom’s early 50’s Westinghouse refrigerator was still working up until she died in 2018. Although at the time it became an outdoor refrigerator on their back deck for water and beer and snacks and such and my son has it now and is repurposing it as an outdoor smoker. And her old Kirby vacuum cleaner probably still works with some refurbishing to make it as good as new.

  9. Been traveling about 47 years and
    it is now 1 light DAY away…..
    Wrap your head around that. I know that
    because it takes 1 day for the V to receive
    a radio transmission from NASA. Radio waves
    travel at the speed of light {in a vacuum }.


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