VP Shutdown Meeting Ends, Trump Says: Not Much Headway – IOTW Report

VP Shutdown Meeting Ends, Trump Says: Not Much Headway

Breitbart: Staff from Congressional leadership and the White House discussed border security and the partial government shutdown with the Homeland Security Secretary and Vice President Mike Pence Saturday.

Pence called the discussion “productive,” though he did not provide details of those discussions. “Secretary Nielsen was able to provide a full briefing on the crisis at the Southern border,” the vice president’s office told reporters. “The conversation was productive and they agreed to meet again tomorrow afternoon.”

The Vice President announced following the meeting. “We reaffirmed @POTUS’ commitment to secure the border, build the wall, keep Americans safe & reopen gov’t.”

Participants did not delve deeply into the dollar amount according to the vice president’s office, but “priorities for security” were discussed. The vice president make clear the president’s position on border wall funding. Democrat congressional staff participants in the meeting requested more details on DHS needs.

The goal of the meeting was “to find a solution- not simply to end the gov’t shutdown- to provide funding to end the crisis at our southern border, achieve real border security & to build the wall!” Pence said ahead of the meeting.  MORE


See also:

House Budget Chair Yarmuth: I Don’t Think a Wall Is Immoral – Pelosi ‘Willing to Negotiate’.

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-KY) said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is “willing to negotiate.” Yarmuth also differed with Pelosi’s argument that a wall is immoral.

Host Leland Vittert asked, “[T]he positions of the White House may be a little bit all over the place, but Nancy Pelosi says not one dollar for the wall, and calls a wall immoral. So, if you’ve got leadership saying something’s immoral, how’s that negotiating in good faith?”

Yarmuth said, “Well, she’s willing to negotiate. You don’t negotiate in the media. You take your position.”  MORE

5 Comments on VP Shutdown Meeting Ends, Trump Says: Not Much Headway

  1. Yarmuth said, “Well, she’s willing to negotiate. You don’t negotiate in the media. You take your position.”

    Pelosi also said when she first met in the Oval a few weeks back that she didn’t want to negotiate it in front of the cameras. I sincerely hope and pray that POTUS Trump doesn’t bend to their wishes to keep things secret and off the record. That’s where the D’s go to shiv our people.

    And this business of negotiating in front of the media? What? Did she get all shy and stuff? The “media” is how the Left manipulates their base.

  2. I think all the dems and the rinos opposing the wall should actually be FORCED to build it with their bare hands.

    Then jailed for breaking their oaths to protect and defend against all enemies foreign, and domestic.

  3. It’s believe that it’s highly likely that to obtain POTUS’s signature on the omnibus spending bill that he was promised funding for the border wall by congressional leadership. The funding did not happen so DJT is rightly pissed.
    Whether it was the McConnell/Ryan duo or the Schumer/Pelosi combo that made the promise is academic. The president was lied too and he has the moral right and fiduciary duty to stand up to the sleaze balls in congress.
    Carry on Mr. president.


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