VULNERABLE DEMS LAY LOW as town hall angst rages – IOTW Report

VULNERABLE DEMS LAY LOW as town hall angst rages

NEW YORK (AP) — From Montana to West Virginia, the nation’s most vulnerable Senate Democrats are avoiding town hall meetings as their Republican counterparts get pummeled by an energized electorate frustrated with President Donald Trump’s early agenda.

Some Democrats prefer to connect with constituents over the telephone or using social media. Others are meeting voters in controlled environments with limited opportunities to ask questions. But few of the 10 Democratic senators facing re-election next year in states carried by Trump have scheduled in-person town hall meetings during this week’s congressional recess.

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill declined an invitation to attend a town hall organized by a group called Kansas City Indivisible this weekend, deciding to send a staff member in her place.  more here

6 Comments on VULNERABLE DEMS LAY LOW as town hall angst rages

  1. They’re about to seal their fate by putting Keith Ellison as head Imam on the far, extreme, Leftist, defecRats just so that they can remind us that the Tea Party are the real terrorists!

    With doggie treat in hand: “Look, look! Over there! Conservatives and Capitalist are the terrorists!!”

  2. I’ve been watching these fake, angry town hall meetings, packed with obviously orchestrated anti-Trump, anti-Republican, and anti-Conservative “voters” yelling “Do your job!” They all look and sound the same, at the meetings in Utah, Florida, Arkansas, or Georgia. I know they are fake attendees, because they are all upset about losing their worthless Obamacare health insurance, and all of the fake network news shows are running with the “Big Story.” I would love to see them prove that they are really not organized Democrat demonstrators. They really believe that this is going to derail Trump’s agenda. Not going to happen!

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