W Says Trump Has Right to Pursue Legal Election Cases – IOTW Report

W Says Trump Has Right to Pursue Legal Election Cases

How very generous of him.

NTD: Former Republican President George W. Bush on Sunday said that President Donald Trump has the “right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges” for “any unresolved issues” to “be properly adjudicated.”

“The American people can have confidence that this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld, and its outcome is clear,” Bush said.

Bush, in his statement, called Democratic nominee Joe Biden the “president-elect,” after Biden declared victory last night. The Epoch Times will not declare a winner of the election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved.

Trump, meanwhile, “earned the votes of more than 70 million Americans—an extraordinary political achievement. They have spoken, and their voices will continue to be heard through elected Republicans at every level of government,” Bush added. read more

26 Comments on W Says Trump Has Right to Pursue Legal Election Cases

  1. Huh. Lefties are starting to get a lil’…..agitated….. wonder why?

    I mean, if they’re so sure their guy won why would they be lashing out all mad and angsty?

  2. And all this time I thought that Georgie Porgy was helping OJ find his wife’s murderers and OJ was helping him find those massive Weapons of Mass Destruction! Guess he could spare a few minutes to congratulate Biden for stealing the election!

  3. Ya and in the same statement congratulates “President elect” Biden and says Trump put up a good fight.
    Like a true swamp creature he plays both sides of the fence.

  4. I have NO doubt that MANY ‘republicans’ are bought and paid for.

    I strongly believe that of 435 members of government that hold sway over America…..90% are totally corrupt, whether they are bought, sold or blackmailed.

  5. @flip – good point. My Congress critter is Steve Scalise the guy who got his ass shot off by that Democrat Party operative.

    I made a $100 contribution to his 2016 campaign. I immediately began getting inundated with texts & emails from him, begging for contributions. But when a few times I needed genuine constituent services from him? ZIP. Nada. Tried contacting his office here in Louisiana and in DC. Emails. snail mail. Phone calls. NOT. ONE. REPLY.

    Scalise, you Had One Job To Do. But you and your staff screwed up. You SUCK at constituent services, the most BASIC job of a Congressman.

    Scalise, it’s damning that you haven’t said One Damn Thing about Trump getting screwed. YOU are the Deep State, a fucking RINO.

  6. More importantly PDJT has the duty/responsibility to pursue legal actions to flush out vote fraud. Especially fraud on a scale large enough to change who won the election, any election.

    Mark Levin’s guest this evening stated there were a record number of in-state lawsuits filed days before election day. By democrats. All of them were trying to force removal of requirements that would authenticate ballots. Such as: no requirement for witness signatures on the mail in ballots, no requirement to verify a ballot signature matches a signature on file, and so on. Just about every angle that would make it easier for false ballots to be submitted and counted. Not the actions someone would take to unite the country by assuring the people the election process would be done as fairly and accurately as possible, and is not corrupt.

  7. Ken Brown,
    Hopefully that gets exposed. I always wonder when I put my ballot in that machine if my vote is going to be counted accurately. If you think about it though, that 3% switch built into the program isn’t going to change the majority of elections in a red state, unless it’s in a primary election. So I always thought until Kendra Horn got elected.

    I still believe though this year that 3% wasn’t enough and they doubled it and then in some of these states it still wasn’t enough.

  8. W is right to pursue Mooch to sit on his face. Thus he can’t say stupid shit.

    Biden can’t be President-Elect until the Electoral College determines it.
    W is a bonehead or a liar. Ask him which it is.


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