WA: DREAMer Has Been Accused Of A Brutal Rape In A Sanctuary City – IOTW Report

WA: DREAMer Has Been Accused Of A Brutal Rape In A Sanctuary City

COTR: I probably should count to 1,000 before writing posts about this subject, but I’m pretty sure it won’t help.


A 23-year-old DREAMer illegal alien in Washington state is accused of  raping a 19-year-old woman in her apartment complex’s gym.  She was on the treadmill, when Salvador Diaz-Garcia came up “behind her and kept asking her questions.”  She asked him to move, and that’s when he attacked her.  He beat her so badly that she suffered a broken jaw, broken nose, a broken eye socket, a ‘dangling ear’ (he ripped part of it off), a bloody head, missing teeth, and she was knocked unconscious – and this is all in addition to him sexually assaulting her.  MORE

12 Comments on WA: DREAMer Has Been Accused Of A Brutal Rape In A Sanctuary City

  1. I just moved out of an apartment complex that looks exactly like that. It has an exercise room that is key-coded. The place used to be nice & pleasant but in the last couple years they have been renting to illegals, inbred meth-teeth hillbillies and Filthy Mohammedan Savages.

    I’m going to make an informed guess here that the Crib Complex management is getting Section 8 tax dollars to give free fucking rent to these illegal immigrant criminal scum.

    Oh, and when the 19 yo girl moves out because she’s afraid of the crime there, the fucking crib complex management will go after her with fines & fees for breaking her lease early and even place her in collections! So not only will she have massive medical bills to pay but she’ll have a shitty credit report too.

  2. His head needs to be deported from his body. I am amazed by the forebearance of Americans. Or maybe it’s the heavy security provided to these goddam perps which amazes me.

  3. Vote has been qualified for the November ballot to take this sanctuary status and give it the heave-ho. The voters are starting to wake up. I only wish there was also a recall petition for the four who voted for it on that same ballot.

  4. That she escaped with her life is a miracle. I pray that she is able to go on with her young life. I also pray that the rapist is also charged with intent to murder, because I believe he would have. And the scum city council woman who says “not so fast” on abandoning their criminal sanctuary city status should be pilloried.

  5. He will probably get away with it while the victim will be left with all kinds of horrible baggage.

    I just finished watching the trailer of the remake of Death Wish.

    In a world full of injustice, it is very satisfying to see justice done.

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