WA: Patty Murray’s Senate seat in Washington State may be a winnable GOP pickup – IOTW Report

WA: Patty Murray’s Senate seat in Washington State may be a winnable GOP pickup

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson

The agitprop media are full of polls and pundits predicting doom for the GOP’s hopes to win a majority in the Senate…with an assist from Mitch McConnell.  All of this before Labor Day, the traditional time when American voters start paying attention to a November election.

But if you look beyond the propaganda media, there are definite signs of hope for the GOP, even in states regarded as fairly deep blue.

In Washington State, the Republican nominee for Senate, Tiffany Smiley, is proving a highly attractive and adept contender.  Take a look at the trend in polling, via Real Clear Politics:

13 Comments on WA: Patty Murray’s Senate seat in Washington State may be a winnable GOP pickup

  1. Look, they’re gonna dust off Christine Gregoires old ballot stuffing suitcase drop it off just in time. Recount until they get the necessary numbers. More votes cast than registered voters. It’s how they roll in WA

  2. That seat is Virtually UNWINNABLE. Ask the guy who ran for Governor a few electionsa back SEATTLE kept magically finding ballots until the DEMONRAT won, He later ran for the senate I believe against patty murray and again Magically SEATTLE again produced enougn found ballots to make her the winner This was how they knew they could get away with aDDING FAKE BALLOTS UNTIL BIDEN WON.

  3. The sad thing is that the Republican Party has little motivation to win. Failure to keep a Republican majority in the Senate will stoke more anger among the Republican base, leading to more donations to the party. Lather, rinse, repeat…

  4. We haven’t had an actual election in SayWA since all mail balloting was instituted. Yes, people voted, and where unimportant races were decided the democrats let the vote stand. Any important races going against the democrat candidate (or policy) have been made to turn out as the party desires. PROVE ME WRONG you communist bastards.

  5. I know everyone here is trying to see things in a practical way, but I detest the constant drumbeat of cynicism. One very good reason to be hopeful is that Smiley is courageously fighting the status quo in her run against Murray. Patty Murray is 100% phony baloney. You could see her coming with her “I’m just a soccer mom in tennis shoes” schtick from a mile away. She might just as well trot out her campaign ads from 20 years ago, because her ads this year looks just like those old ones. Maybe they are?! I think she goes by the creed: “Don’t change horses in midstream”. Same old junk: Murray visiting a manufacturing plant wearing a hard hat, sitting at the kitchen table with a family, leading a meeting in a conference room, standing with her family on a grassy knoll.

    Don’t be so downcast. At least Smiley is doing something.

  6. Hey ho, after 30 years Patty Murray has got to go! I am cautiously optimistic that Tiffany Smiley might just win and pull off one hell of an upset. Even with the democraps cheating. I hate voting by mail in Wash. state, I drop off my ballot at the box in front of the county auditor’s office because I don’t trust the postal circus.


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