“Wait a minute. I’m talking now.” 😂🤣 – IOTW Report

“Wait a minute. I’m talking now.” 😂🤣

Former President Donald Trump mocked Vice President Kamala Harris during Tuesday night’s debate after she attempted to interrupt him, turning her infamous “I’m speaking” moment against her.

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims She Never Called to Ban Fracking.

Kamala Harris Dodged Question on Migration Policy.

ABC Moderators Fail to Correct Kamala Harris Alluding to ‘Suckers and Losers’ Hoax.

23 Comments on “Wait a minute. I’m talking now.” 😂🤣

  1. They also turned her mic back on numerous times to allow her to interrupt Trump and forced him to bite his tongue until she was done “Cackling” about something having absolutely no bearing on the question being asked of her.

  2. I’ve seen some videos showing her earrings which are exact duplicate to the earrings in an advertisement for audio feeds directly into the ear via a pearl. No surprise, she apparently had someone helping her by giving her talking points live.

  3. All things considered she took what she needed from the event. She must have reduced the benzos and Chardonnay as she appeared reasonably coherent and clearly terrified by the reality of what her administration and the democrats in general stand for and have done.

    The Haitian savages eating pets in Springfield has been confirmed by the way. Thanks border czar Klammy.

  4. …I didnt listen to the whole thing, but the “mods”, being whores themselves, were very helpful to the Whore Of India in that they never fact checked her. Whether it was her repeatedly linking President Trump to Project 2025 even after he denounced it and its been REPEATEDLY debunked, let her say he would make girls carry rape and incest babies RIGHT AFTER HE SAID there should be an exemption for same, and…my personal favorite…when President Trump mentioned multiple people testifying that Haitians ate their cats and the mods kept saying “The City Manager says theres no credible evidence” of cat eating, like the Democrat city manager was the – only – person that should be believed or even asked about Democrat pets eating the pets of Republicans…

    Here, meet Springfield Ohio’s city government.


    Notice the repeated “Forward Together” motto on the blue background behind them? That seems familiar, somehow…

    …and its weirdly difficult to find much on City Manager Brian Heck, and what there is manages to leave out his party affiliation entirely, but like when the press leaves out the race of the shooter, everyone knows what THAT means…


    …sure, ask THAT guy about what the immigrants he helped unleash on his citizens are up to. Im SURE youll get an honest answer…/s

  5. The mods have their own wireless setups.

    Why do they have two mods, when one should be enough?

    So that while one mod is asking a question, the other mod is receiving a “fact-check” on Trump, which he then states before asking the next question. These debate tag-teams are more fake than professional wrestling. Muir might as well hit PDT with a folding chair.

  6. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn she had the questions beforehand. It certainly seemed that way by her rapid response and canned platitude filled answers. Her prepared flowery speak was also give away too.
    “Looking into your neighbors eyes”… “We’re all in this together”.

    When women start to talk through their ovaries, I get pissed. She’s not presenting herself as Presidential material. It’s all meaningless gobbledygook.

  7. The past 3 Democrat presidential election cycles (both the first and incumbent ones) — Obama, Biden, and Harris — have answered any serious questions about their actual policy proposals by making outrageous, lying attacks on the Republican candidate or completely waiving-off “The very idea!” (Biden, in his debate with Trump), coupled with over-the-top facial expressions and gesticulations. They sidestep every serious issue in these ways; never answering the question.

    Another Democrat tactic is to create an overly-emotional appeal or warning, using fictional people in a worse-thing-that-could-ever-happen scenario. Harris’s bed-time stories last night were epic. If I didn’t know better, we apparently have an epidemic of 13 year-old girls who have been raped by their male relatives and are being forced to
    carry those babies to term. And in the age of medical wonders, where a baby in the womb can undergo complicated surgery, Harris and her party weaves a frightening tale of women dying by the multitudes from pregnancy and childbirth.

    When Republicans proposed privatizing Medicare, Democrats accused them of “Throwing granny off the cliff!”

    Because Democrats only had failed Keynesian economic mumbo-jumbo, Joe Biden told an audience of black voters that the Republican’s economic policies would “Put y’all back in chains!”

    Then, of course, there’s the best-est story teller of them all, Obama, the Audacity of Pure Crap. His magnum opus was “The Life of Julia”. Nevermind that Julia was a completely fictional character.

  8. Called it! I jumped for joy and cheered when he caught her at her own game as I hoped he would. Payback!

    99th Squad Leader
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 18:43 at 6:43 pm
    “Best way to trip up KamalMao if she goes over her time or interrupts. President Trump can just say before she gets a chance to during the debate, ‘I’m speaking’.”

    President Trump is brilliant!

  9. Madam vice president: are we better off than we were four years ago?..I came from a middle class family. I’m the only one on this stage with a plan to help the middle class. The moderators let her get away with all of her shuck and jive bullshit.

  10. His full quote is even better! LOL!!

    “Wait a minute. I’m talking now. You don’t mind, please. Does that sound familiar?”

    KamalMao was surprised. She didn’t know how to respond. Just had a shocked look on her face. LOL!

    This is why Putin the Pious and Rocketman Kim respect President Trump. He knows their weaknesses and strategies.
    KamalMao doesn’t know what she’s in for when he gets back in the White House.


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