Wait, Bill is transgender? – IOTW Report

Wait, Bill is transgender?

Patriot Retort: For some inexplicable reason, Hillary Clinton told the nattering hens on The View that her decision to stay with Bill Clinton was comparable to parents struggling with their child being transgender. Um. What?

11 Comments on Wait, Bill is transgender?

  1. hillary clinton is an idiot. But for bill, she’d have been just another sleazy lawyer who got caught stealing and wound up in prison.

    Bill is brilliant, but he’s a psychopath.

  2. Noticed face lift, hair job. As bad as Hillary would LOVE to destroy America she can’t drink all day and destroy our country. The democrat party is full of agents who are capable of doing much more damage in less time. Hillary will opt to go for the booze.

  3. So when did she know Bill was getting BJ’s before or after the blue dress? It’s been a long time, but my money is it was known by everybody with one eye open. So standing by your man child and lying for him is ok? Vast right-wing conspiracy don’t you know?
    SOP for dirt bags and crew.
    Does anyone think they wouldn’t burn the world down to get back in power?


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