Waking A Sleeping Giant – IOTW Report

Waking A Sleeping Giant

Canada Free Press: The air is still, but there is a tension. You can feel it. It’s a stillness that makes one nervous, as a sleeping volcano that’s beginning to awaken, showing smoke and ash. For right now, people are quiet, wondering what is around the corner.

Common folk are continuing to be bombarded by the Left, behind their high walls with a self-righteous, phony ‘heart felt’ drone of why the country we all love, having so many of us fought and died for, is a sham, a fraud, illegitimate, irredeemable. Former Secretary of State, John Kerry is even predicting a revolution if Trump wins re-election.

Left has deliberately planned and carried out the gradual destruction of our culture

The Left recruits the protesters, the placard walkers, the mindless bull-horn loudmouths spilling their gratuitous and absurd cacophony. It’s the reticent, restrained, hard-working citizen who plays by the rules, wasting no time complaining, that is muted, and for the time being controlled. These folk listen in silence, growing immune to the continuous noise.

For many decades, at least since the sixties, the Left has deliberately planned and carried out the gradual destruction of our culture, what made us the greatest country in all of human history, to a point unrecognizable. They went from blue jeans to three piece suits…destruction from the inside. They have dismissed God from the public square, devastated our schools, taught our children to hate God, country, and parents, destroyed countless Black and White families with welfare and handouts, keeping them in ‘their place.’ They killed millions of children, disproportionately Black, and called it ‘healthcare.’ Everything God declares as sin, they call good. No big deal, they don’t believe in God anyway. To them. everyone creates their own reality.

Theirs is an evil, disordered, Marxist culture of the superiority of government over God and mankind. They hate everything that is good and clean. They needed to divide us and so they have. They say they hate fascism, but don’t really know what it is. They are willing to accept communism, but have no idea what they are asking for.

This Left has many faces…teachers, professors, politicians, media personalities, old hippy Marxists who lost their chance in the sixties, Hollywood types seeking relevance, judges of the Supreme Court on down, and high tech, the self-appointed keepers of morality, however bogus. more here

h/t Systematically Confused.

23 Comments on Waking A Sleeping Giant

  1. Unfortunately, current indications are that the Giant is striving with all its might to REMAIN asleep — indeed, to pull the covers over its head while mumbling “wake me when it goes away.” I’d like very much to be wrong about this, as it’s past time for a cleansing.

  2. Japan woke a sleeping giant once.
    Big mistake.
    If it’s a war the left want, it’s a war they will get.
    If they want to scrap the constitution then it’s anything goes.
    Bring it.

  3. Our side is so far from the breaking point that i wonder if our side will survive.

    The leftists that our gov’t is taking a knee for are of the very same mold as every leftist group throughout history that murdered their opposition once they had enough power.

    The real question is…how close are the far left to aquiring this total power.
    It does not look like they are very far from it.

  4. If it keeps going the way it is the left will swallow us one by one… just the way they want it.

    notice that ANY kind of organized response by american loving legal citizens is met with calls to the police that the left wants gone, and suddenly the police find their balls and arrest, threaten, and beat up america lovers while protecting the very people that advocate for their death… once their usefulness is over of coarse.

    When they reach your home just shoot them with your throw-away gun , just make sure the angle of fire comes from anywhere but your home or property and that you dress just like them in all black with mask so that they will have no idea who you are if they even see you.

    it has come to this now.

  5. seriously, did you actually think the deep state would just surrender their power and status in the USA?

    i believe that what we are seeing is the dying or last gasp of a political movement, the one worlders, the nwo, which thinks it can keep its position by fomenting these riots using it’s army of useful idiots. Scaring the citizens into accepting their demise by declaring their non racism and atoning for their fake racist sins by standing down and allowing these agitators to run amuck through their communities.

    there needs to be a great awakening of the American citizens if we are to keep the country we know.

    the result will not be pretty or civilized either way, but it comes down to the survival of the fittest.

    is the American citizen fit enough to survive this communist revolution?

  6. The Police, the Armed Forces, the “leadership” must decide: Stand with Americans and the restoration of the Constitution or Stand with Tyranny.

    Pretty simple, really – Good or Evil.

    The battle lines are already drawn and the social “pregnancy” is the Americans awaiting the flashpoint – the ignition.
    Roberts, et al, elicit disgust – the threat they pose is veiled behind the patina of legalisms.
    Pelosi, Biden, et al, seem like pathetically retarded caricatures of themselves so we minimize their hateful destructiveness.

    It’s sort of like a philosophical greased-pig race. The thousands of cuts against civilization don’t “feel” to demand the terminal response that they do, each appearing too incidental to kill over – but the combination is fatal.

    The nihilist/totalitarians MUST atomize society in order to construct their “New World Order” (which is actually the same, tired, old tyranny) upon the ashes.

    Every man should arm and equip himself.
    Fortress homes are stupid – fire and maneuver win.
    Politicians and Media Maggots should be first on the lists.
    Violent terror groups like #BLM, La Raza, CAIR, MSA, and ANTIFA should be second.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. How did it come to this?

    The author nailed it when hew said, “The left has many faces… teachers, professors,…

    While we went to work, fought, and built things, they went after our children when they were young & impressionable.

    Google & watch “Yuri Bezmenov” on Y-tube and it makes perfect sense.(KGB Defector aprox 1hr)

  8. Want more evidence?

    Three men have been arrested in Thousand Oaks, Ca for defacing a black lives matter poster.
    All while thousands of blm and antifa thugs tear down public statues without any legal consequence.

    It doesn’t matter whether the authorities are on the side of the rioters or they are just scared of the rioters. The result is the same.
    The authorities will do nothing if the thugs attack you. They will arrest you if you fight back.

    Justice is over. Now it’s a fight to the finish.

  9. Ronterf

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. So where’s the Oath Keepers or the III Percenters at? Not a damn peep. Those are the two organizations every one joins incase something like this happens

  10. “Politicians and Media Maggots should be first on the lists.
    Violent terror groups like #BLM, La Raza, CAIR, MSA, and ANTIFA should be second.”


    The Tokyo Roses of Leftist Media first. Without their lies and manipulation of the dumb, evil ones among us, we wouldn’t be here today.

    The guilty politicians will be jetted off to safety in hiding. You’ll need a little more special force to get to those destroyers of all that is good.

    The organizations you mention will be the street fights. They will lose many in the initial confrontations, which will turn into guerrilla warfare with ambushes of the good citizens. Ferreting the heads out will be a high priority at some point if it isn’t done up front

  11. The three percenters are in their 70s, as Individuals in philosophy, we are not good at organizing, as Individuals our actions will be pointed out, isolated, ridiculed, claimed illegal and then destroyed. The Media is currently worse than an army of 60,000 communist soldiers ravaging the country because they keep us still fearing to hear that we are Racists, fearing job loss for speech, fearing that our family will be harmed, fearing that we will miss work, miss mortgage or rent payments etc etc.. The Left is already killing our history, killing our Law, killing Justice, killing noble man, one individual at a time…This may be too far completed to stop and, if we make it to November and Trump loses, civilized citizens have lost and the bullying on a massive scale will begin…The Left…is it unable to have empathy, or is it actually Evil in action? Pelosi not long ago said that Trump called M13 ‘animals’ and said that Trump was Godless because all people are given the spark of Life…by God…how beautiful…yet four days later she attended a right to Life meeting that pushes the killing of millions. Pelosi is not to be underestimated, despite her failings, pure Evil is within her.

  12. I have invested serious contemplation as to what will push my “Go” button. Threaten my family. Directly and unquestionable. The angrier I get, the lower my interest in self-preservation.

  13. Serious question.

    How long until the left topples the Rocky Balboa statue in Philadelphia because Rocky beat up a couple of black guys and a communist? 🤔

  14. I live in Colorado. A few years ago, we were a red state. Then the Californians started moving here, because they wrecked their state, and brought the same ideas with them. Now, we are almost as blue as Cali.
    Do not believe for a second that you can still wait it out. You are next.

  15. Pres. Trump alluded to what will happen if and when these people continue on the path they have set for themselves.
    He mentioned that if they get violent our side will be more violent. And we have the guns. At least more of them and we actually know how to use them.

  16. Baritiromo finally asked Barr yesterday what he, as the highest policeman in the country, was going to do about the likes of antifa and other violent radicals who have taken over places like Minneapolis and Seattle. I do hope that he was keeping his real answer close to the vest in order to retain an element of surprise because otherwise I all heard was more jellyfish rambling about “peaceful protestors” and “jurisdictional sovereignty”.

    Again it seems the gov’t we pay to protect and defend constitutional law has bent over backwards protecting those whose main purpose is to destroy it.

    There’s one thing we could all do to stop this madness. Stop signing their paychecks.

  17. We are experiencing the ‘great foreboding’ – like living next to Mount Saint Helens before it blew.

    Yesterday I had a long chat with a woman in a grocery store whose son knows some of the ‘bikers’ planning to raid CHAZ/CHOP on July 4th. She says “It’s on.” We speculated on what Seattle’s police will do. It’s 12 days out.

  18. I think Kerry’s prediction will come true. When Trump wins, the SWHTF bigtime.

    The left will start their revolt then. They’ll light their prairie fire.


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