“#WalkAway” founder Brandon Straka announces Huge J6 victory – IOTW Report

“#WalkAway” founder Brandon Straka announces Huge J6 victory

Revolver: Positive news seems rare when it comes to January 6th, but sometimes the good guys win one against tyranny. That’s exactly what happened to “#WalkAway” founder Brandon Straka. He’s been under relentless pursuit and harassment for his non-violent, lawful presence at the January 6th event. Things escalated to the point where he was wrongfully sued in civil court by “black and brown” Capitol police officers. They blamed Brandon for the injuries and “exhaustion” they experienced, despite the fact that he was not at all involved in the day’s chaos. But here’s the great news: after all the stress, financial burden, and strain, Brandon has emerged victorious. The case against him has been dismissed, allowing him once again the ability to “#WalkAway” from the evil Democrats.

Here’s what Brandon said in his post on X celebrating his victory:

I have WON the J6 civil case against me by the corrupt, lying, leftist Soros-funded DC nonprofit lawfirm Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (@LawyersComm).

Over 2 years ago I was served in a civil lawsuit by 8 black and brown Capitol Police officers whom I’ve never met, had no contact with on J6, and whom I was not even within proximity of.

They sued me under the KKK Act, alleging that I engaged in a white supremacist attack on black and brown police officers, that I caused their “injuries” (which included being pepper sprayed, and becoming “exhausted”) and conspired to encroach on their civil rights.

Almost every detail and allegation against me was a lie. In fact I’ll say: a KNOWN lie.

Knowing that I committed no violence on J6, and didn’t encourage anybody else to either, this lawsuit alleged that I “violently” breached the barricades of the Capitol and proceeding to attack police officers- including the plaintiffs.

The case entered discovery, where we gathered evidence that conclusively showed that none of these officers were even on the side of the building I was on during my brief time on Capitol grounds. One of the plaintiffs was in Maryland at the time I was there. MORE

7 Comments on “#WalkAway” founder Brandon Straka announces Huge J6 victory

  1. Great news, but not for the others who received non-justice justice from the democrats. They need a new day in a real court without attached gallons political poison and zero law. Why is America so silent on this injustice???

  2. A spoiler for the movie Twelve O’clock High:

    General Savage breaks down and is catatonic. One of the other officers says he did not see it coming. The doctor says, “Did you ever see s lightbulb burn out? Just before it goes, it gets brighter.”

    Maybe it is the optimist in me, but I see the same thing with leftists today. They see their days are numbered. That is why they seem as brazen as they do. Let’s say they succeed in silencing Trump. There are others behind him.

    Fear not, for we shall prevail.

  3. @mr_pinko: I fully support Trump in 2024. However, if they imprison him or, as suggested in another thread, assassinate him, there are more people who are coming up that will carry on in his place. I am not talking about the Kristy Kreams or the Nikki Halleys who are giving the GOP insiders hard-ons. I am talking about people who are ready to take the baton if it is stolen from Trump’s hands.

  4. On Jun 1, 1916 the English army managed to push back the German trench line about 6 miles in some sectors along the Somme River. So, was this a huge victory for England?

    We cant say until we know the cost .. which was almost 20,000 dead in just a few hours. Kinda of like what happened here. An American was harrassed for three years at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars to himself due to patently absurd charges. What was the cost to the scum who tormented him. None! So why wont they just do it again? We are now outnumbered in the legal and political arena by a big margin by people who have now driven themselves insane with their own talk.

    I had some hope, but this latest stunt by the Colorado Supreme Court …


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