Wall Street Dem donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren – IOTW Report

Wall Street Dem donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren


Democratic donors on Wall Street and in big business are preparing to sit out the presidential campaign fundraising cycle — or even back President Donald Trump — if Sen. Elizabeth Warren wins the party’s nomination.

In recent weeks, CNBC spoke to several high-dollar Democratic donors and fundraisers in the business community and found that this opinion was becoming widely shared as Warren, an outspoken critic of big banks and corporations, gains momentum against Joe Biden in the 2020 race.

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’” said a senior private equity executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity in fear of retribution by party leaders. The executive said this Wednesday, a day after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would begin a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

A spokeswoman for Warren declined to comment. She tweeted her response to CNBC’s report later Thursday. more

h/t DC, Snowball the Sourpuss.

12 Comments on Wall Street Dem donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren

  1. I.e. they talked with three Wall Streeters who got burned because of lawsuits by the CFPB. Maybe. Not sure I buy it. She’s as corrupt as they come. More likely this article is tilling the soil to make her into a fake anti-Wall Street crusader, instead of their former bankruptcy lawyer.

  2. Yeah………I’m not convinced.

    First off, Warren is no more likely to pick their pocket and pilfer their nest egg than any of the other socialist chuckleheads running for president, they all want “fairness” and income redistribution.

    Living in an upper-class Democrat-run city in the Bay Area for the last 25 years, I know these people, there is not a tax hike they would not support if it furthered their social agenda. They would never vote for Trump, the feeling being that Warren would be easier to influence. And if not, less money in their pocket to promote a more equitable society? A small price to pay.

  3. I think it’s only fitting to start referring to this woman as Elizabeth McGovern-Warren. If she does get the nomination for the Socialist-Demographic-Homosexualist Party, McGovern-Warren is going to suffer a defeat just like George McGovern did in 1972. This lady makes President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton seem personable and credible by comparison.

  4. So it’s been said.
    Biden: OUT. + Warren: Wall St. UNWANTED = Kamala Harris (WHO IS TOXIC)
    Easy “kill” for Trump.

    NOW: Let’s talk about 2024 from now on….m’kay?!?

  5. ….and Hilary is putting out tentacles to her evil minions letting them know she stands at the ready to enter the breach (urp) All I got to say about that is: “As If!”
    My money is on Mooch and Oprah brought out on the floor of the convention with black slang aplenty and ‘We go High, Impeach 45’ being the chant of the day

  6. Wall Street Dem donors, the same twitchy Rino MF’s that have been talking their shit for decades to the MSM,,,
    You mean those donors?
    No Offense meant to anyone,
    Problem being, it will never matter.

  7. Close of trading 11/08/2016, DOW 18332.

    Close of trading 09/27/2019, DOW 26820 (And it is down from several record highs)

    I live in the middle of the country, and do not make huge commissions on trades, but I have invested my own money, and 401k money for 25 years. I have never had my accounts increase like they have since Trump was elected. And no, it didn’t start with obama. (Screw you red sgwiglly line, I won’t capitalize his name) The Wall Street donors, that make huge money on their trades do not want it messed up, and they know that the Dems will ruin it.

    But I say, keep touting your socialist, communist and sharia views, right up until election day demmies. I think it will work this time.


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