Wall Street is in a Panic – IOTW Report

Wall Street is in a Panic

In this episode, I discuss the unbelievable story of Gamestop, a story that has Wall Street elites in meltdown mode. I also address the need for conservatives to emulate leftist tactics to win the ideological battle.

There’s an interesting story about Bitcoin from the NYT. I know, just look.
Blockchain technology has the potential to stop tech censorship.

15 Comments on Wall Street is in a Panic

  1. I can’t believe Gamestop is still actually a thing. There’s only one left a couple of towns over, and there’s never anyone inside. I have no idea how they’re paying their employees, the power bill, or the rent.

  2. Bongino, didn’t do a very good job of explaining this story. But it has sure caused some hedge funds to take a beating. In fact the NYSE is looking at putting a stop to us individual investors being able to stick it up the asses of these institutional investors by the little guy. “This aggression will not stand!”.

  3. Hedge funds are allowed to sell shares they don’t actually own, called short selling, to drive a stock’s price down (due to more supply than demand) artificially.
    – Wall Street and SEC: This is legitimate

    Web teams with stimulus checks buy shares with their free cash, to drive a stock’s price UP (due to higher demand) artificially.
    – Wall Street and SEC: This is a blasphemous distortion of the market – people should pay damages and go to jail.

  4. Wall Street needs to be concerned about the war on the oil, gas and mining industries. Also, that everything is going to collapse because this unlimited federal spending on “infrastructure” (read: graft that will filter through so many hands that nothing will ever get to the private sector) that we’ll go back to a 17,000 DJIA. His new mandates are going to put greater diversity requirements on every company that does business with the government.

    So the job that does get done will be on par with the Obamacare exchanges that Mooch’s friend from college got a billion dollars to eff up.

    Gamestop manipulation is a story because the power of retards in large numbers doesn’t always end with a group hug at the Special Olympics.

  5. Except for energy extraction, the mining industry is going to do just fine under Joe & TheHo.
    Gotta have all those rare earth minerals to make the green energy boondoggles coming down the road.
    BTW, rare earth extraction is one of, if not the worst, of all the mining operations.
    They use “heap leach” extraction methods where large piles of ore containing the minerals is dug out of the pit, put inside earthen berms and have corrosive acids dumped on them which are then recovered and then, have the desired minerals recovered from them.
    The term “rare earth metals” is a misnomer.There are plenty of these minerals on the earth, but are just hard to extract because thy are so widely dispersed.


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