Walls Across America: George Soros’ Great Wall – IOTW Report

Walls Across America: George Soros’ Great Wall

DC: President Donald Trump has often noted that America’s rich and powerful choose to live behind large walls for protection.

“Some have suggested a barrier is immoral,” Trump said during a national address from the Oval Office last week about the border wall. “Then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes?”

“They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside. But because they love the people on the inside,” the president claimed. “The only thing that is immoral is the politicians who do nothing and continue to allow more innocent people to be so horribly victimized.”

The president uses the example to make a case for the construction of a borer wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, the funding of which has currently spiraled the federal government into a partial shutdown.

So do America’s politicians, moguls and celebrities really live behind walls? The Daily Caller set out to find the truth in a series called “Walls Across America.”  more here

12 Comments on Walls Across America: George Soros’ Great Wall

  1. The Rothschild’s are majority stock holders in PG&E. As they claim Bankruptcy to protect their assets and cheat the people they’ve literally killed. The Rothschilds may not be the root of all evil, but they’re damn close to it.


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