Walls Close In On Adam Schiff – IOTW Report

Walls Close In On Adam Schiff

As He’s Tied To Fake Russia Collusion Hoax.
The Salty Cracker has opinions about the Schifftuation.
Language Warning! [Send your kids out of the room! 🤣]

9 Comments on Walls Close In On Adam Schiff

  1. If ever there was a guy who needed vivisection, it’s Adam Schitt.
    Flay, Draw, and Quarter. After the torch and pliers.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Why is Schiff still in office?”

    My question is, why is he still alive?

    PS. Y’all be sure to call me when those walls collapse, crushing this asshole underneath them..M’kay?


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