Walmart Is Today’s Economic Canary In The Coal Mine – IOTW Report

Walmart Is Today’s Economic Canary In The Coal Mine


Once upon a time, canaries were kept in cages in coal mines. If the canary died it signaled to the miners a dangerous buildup of lethal gases such as carbon monoxide that could kill humans as well. It meant it was time to get out before it was too late.

Today’s economic canary in the coal mine appears to be Walmart.

All over the country Walmart’s are closing. At least eight locations will close this year, including all the stores in Portland, Oregon.

The company’s CEO has made the reason for the closures pretty clear – shoplifting. MORE

20 Comments on Walmart Is Today’s Economic Canary In The Coal Mine

  1. If government expects Business to allow unrestricted shoplifting for POCs, then why shouldn’t Big Banks allow these fine folks convenience cash withdrawals not limited to their account balances?

    The government can just print more shitdollar$ to give those banks. Voila, instant reparations!

  2. @ Thieving unaccomplished politicians are so smart!,
    Good point. If these IMF criminals (the Federal Reserve etc.) can print money indiscriminately then why do I/WE have to pay taxes?

  3. Are there still Fred Meyer’s in Portland? Or will they be the next to go due to all the shoplifting in the Portland area. Portland was nuts when I lived there from 1971-72 but now it’s completely gone over the deep end into anarchy and chaos. If I ever go back to the Oregon coast on vacation, I’ll go over on the Wash. side and go across the bridge over the Columbia River at Astoria to avoid Portland completely. I won’t even go to Powell’s bookstore because of all the crime in the area and I used to love that bookstore as one of the best on the West coast.

  4. Many of the newer generations and “immigrants” do not have the moral upbringing that had been the norm. They see biden and the government ruining their lives and income and say “why not – where’s mine”!! The democrats do not support law and order and the police ……so there you have it!! I say “third FELONY (and that’s liberal for me) and you lose citizenship” ! That would stop the BS NOW!!!

  5. Is there a liquor store, car title loan (AKA loan sharks), pawn shops, bail bondsman, wig and nail parlor palace for black women and other nefarious, rip off low life businesses located including the ubiquitous Circle K or 7-11 stop and rob next door or close by the Dollar General store?

  6. Also contributing to this insanity is Walmart and most of the companies mentioned along with many others all funded BLM in 2020 during the riots. So cry me a river. That used to make me so angry when I’d try to buy something on line and see the line ‘a portion of this goes to BLM’ or even more aggressively asking you to contribute. I always aborted those purchases. You invite and fund crime to run rampant and learn the hard way you can’t stop it.

  7. Last time I went to Walmart all I saw were a bunch of freaks with tattoos, holes all over their bodies with knic knacks hanging from them and appeared to be gender confused.
    The customers were almost as bad.

  8. To be clear, Walmarts aren’t closing *all around the country* – they are closing in particular areas, in different parts of the country. But not in the areas where they don’t have problems regarding law enforcement. And same with other companies.

  9. I travel to a Walmart where the people look more like me. The one closest to me looks like … well, you know. I’m just trying to avoid having to shoot somebody at this stage of my life.

  10. I read the article. It cries about people out of money so they steal. About people selling cars with negative equity… because they somehow have to. And using credit cards at 24% interest to maintain their lifestyle. All apologia for people who apparently made a series of bad decisions, all directed in one way: more for me, right now!

    It reeks, the whole concept reeks. Sudden unavoidable or nearly unavoidable setbacks happen, certainly government throws those at us, inflation for example. Living at the edge of one’s means when times are good is fine… but…. You really have to watch your own shit don’t you? Stealing trashy consumer goods? How is that a thing at all, for anyone? You can round up food through the numerous government and private poverty programs. But, a thought, jobs are all over the place, not good ones but jobs, try that?

    Make it hard enough to do business and easy enough to hurt the business and responsible people add it up, stop fooling around with the location, they quit the scene.


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