Walmart relents after banning greeter from saying ‘Have a blessed day’ – IOTW Report

Walmart relents after banning greeter from saying ‘Have a blessed day’


Walmart greeter, James Phillips, can once again tell customers to “Have a blessed day.” Philips has been greeting customers that way for years at the Walmart in Blue Ridge, Georgia.

But a few weeks ago, someone complained about his greeting, and the company told him to stop saying “have a blessed day.” An angry response from customers eventually convinced Walmart to change its mind.

People protested outside Walmart’s headquarters and phoned in complaints after the company told him to stop his customary greeting. Walmart quickly caved and released a statement reversing its decision saying: “We greatly value our associates and appreciate his work of the company.


7 Comments on Walmart relents after banning greeter from saying ‘Have a blessed day’

  1. Funny thing you should mention that!!! I too am a “Walmart Greeter” and although I don’t go out of my way to say,”Have a ‘BLESSED DAY’ to my patrons I get the response from a “Great Majority!” of my patrons and I always respond in kind!!! I try to be kind, courteous and helpful to “All My Patrons” even the ones that have an abjectlessly humorless attitude!! Glad to hear that “Cooler Heads Prevailed!!!
    “Have a “Nice” day!”
    Some people would even be P.O.’ed at that!!

  2. ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! You “Need” to “Show Up” at the Dropzone, any Dropzone with red blooded Skydivers as Patrons!! Since it will be your “First time” there “Case of Beer!!” and oh, it was your “First Jump!” “Case of Beer!!” and Your Girlfriend’s First Jump! Hell, that’s “Two Cases Of Beer!!” Maybe we’ll cut you some slack for your second jump?? Well maybe. Anyway, just “Show up!!” You’ll have a good time and there will be lots of “BEER!!!!!”

    PS, Go to and scrol ldown to the bottom where it says “DZTV” and check out my friend Rick’s team “10-acious!!” Get in the line up sucker, it’s called “TEN-MAN SPEED STAR” yes that’s what we do. Navigate around the site, you’ll see me there!
    “Makes yer’ Blood Boil!!!!!”
    FMI post me!

  3. The mountains in north Georgia have been filled with hippy types for as long as I can remember. They used to be the “peace, love, health food, and anti-federal government” types. Now they are definitely more the hipster types, especially in places like Blue Ridge. I hope they don’t take over there, too. The spelunkers, hikers, and rafters all seem to be liberals. Why is that? They were when I was young, too, which kind of turned me off to those things.

  4. I only like children. Can’t stand anyone over 18.
    I could not be a greeter.
    I would only say nice things to young kids.
    Adults I would tell them to F off.

  5. There’s a lady in the office who, among other things, loves to use this phrase. Everytime she says it, there needs to be a laugh track accompanying it. Full of hate towards everything.

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