Walt Heyer: The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine – IOTW Report

Walt Heyer: The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine

Federalist: This April marks 40 years since my therapist told me a “sex change” was the only answer to my persistent mental difficulties. Unfortunately, I followed his advice, obtained cross-sex hormones, and underwent surgery. As I learned through my painful experience, “gender-affirming treatment” (GAT), also known as “gender-affirming care,” is medical fraud and malpractice.

A person’s sex cannot be changed. I know. I lived and identified as a woman for eight years. Hormones and surgery didn’t change my sex. I was a man before surgery, and I remained a man after surgery, illustrating the truth of God’s perfect design — two separate and distinct sexes, male and female, innate and unchangeable.

Every step I took to identify as a female did not make me a female but devaluated me as a man, father, and husband. Each step dehumanized my male body and identity. So-called gender-affirming treatment destroyed my life and relationships, as well as those of my family.

The same thing is happening to people today, except at younger ages. I know. I get their emails. more


8 Comments on Walt Heyer: The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine

  1. @Jason, is that avatar you? You are one scary-looking dude, mental note to oneself, stay on Jason’s good side 🙂

    What’s odd about this story is that it happened 40 years ago. The general consensus back then within the psychiatric field was to treat the psychosis, not affirm it like today. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) is the tail that wags the ACP agenda (American College of Pediatricians) when it comes to all things gender-related and they are totally on board with,”Letting the child tell us who they are”.

    The fact that this poor guy didn’t kill himself, like so many gender mutilation victims, is a testament to his faith.

  2. “illustrating the truth of God’s perfect design — two separate and distinct sexes, male and female, innate and unchangeable.”

    I know nothing of the man’s background other than what I read above. I can feel more empathy for this man and what he has endured mentally and physically is beyond anyone’s comprehension. I believe he is remorseful, and realizes what he has done to himself and others. God forgives, no matter how dreadful the sin is against ones body, got still forgives if one asks for it. I count my blessings.


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