Walz ‘Embellished And Selectively Omitted Facts’ About His Military Career: Retired National Guardsmen – IOTW Report

Walz ‘Embellished And Selectively Omitted Facts’ About His Military Career: Retired National Guardsmen

Daily Wire:
Vice President Kamala Harris picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, and will likely emphasize his military service as part of their campaign.

But when Walz was running for governor in 2018, former members of the National Guard spoke out about his service, with a retired command sergeant major saying he “embellished and selectively omitted facts of his military career for years.”

In an open letter posted to Facebook that year, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr wrote that Walz retired just a few months after receiving a warning order that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq – even though he told military personnel he would be going on the mission. more

36 Comments on Walz ‘Embellished And Selectively Omitted Facts’ About His Military Career: Retired National Guardsmen

  1. I applaud EVERYONE who wisely figured out that the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and all the rest, were just orchestrated wars for the benefit of the banksters, the MIC, a certain middle east “ally,” etc. and did whatever it took to stay out. But please have the spine to stand up for your principles and not lie to make yourself “look better” in the eyes of folks who blindly follow orders despite nearly 100 years since Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler attempted to wake everyone up to the truth of our military and their REAL purpose on behalf of big business, etc.

  2. One side-effect of the Obama-Biden destruction of our military, is a whole bunch of woke, traitorous, leftist veterans who are running for office based, in part, on their “patriotic” service. Here in AZ we have to put up with the likes of Mark Kelly and Ruben Gallegos. As far-left as you can get, but still “heroes” in the minds of the low-info voters.

  3. Somehow, I doubt that the media will be reporting this in the same way they reported on W and TANG.

    And poor Governor Shapiro. He served honorably in the army…Okay, so it was the Israeli Army. I can see where that could be a problem for Kamala.

  4. Stuart “Smally” Stevens of the infamous homosexual school of The Lincoln Project, is on msNBC reacting to all of Davi Plouffs drops in the previous segments.

    See how THEY do IT?

  5. The leftards had a hissy fit when Mike Pence had 5 deferments from the Vietnam draft (because he was married and had a child – an automatic deferment), but not a peep when Old Joe had 5 deferments – for asthma fercrissakes. How did Old Joe become a lifeguard or play football in HS and college with asthma?

  6. Walz being a known MARXIST promoted to Sgt. Major and finally reduced to Master Sgt., both senior NCO ranks is representative of the US ARMY Officer Corps who graduated from the West Point Academy. Socialism and Marxist beliefs were not issues that would disqualify service members graduation or promotions. Reflective of the US Army lack of review of Promotion Candidates.


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