Walz explains, “I like white guy tacos.” – IOTW Report

31 Comments on Walz explains, “I like white guy tacos.”

  1. He’d best stay away from the super-hot jalapeno hot sauce at Taco John’s. It will make your forehead sweat and is my favorite hot sauce. Also, wasabi the real spicy stuff at Asian restaurants that clears your sinuses immediately and gives you a short intense buzz right after you eat it, good stuff. White guy food is bland and boring and is like pablum to timid souls who don’t like a little spice in their lives. I do draw the line at any pepper hotter and spicier than a jalapeno though.

  2. By “white guy tacos” he means caucasian transgenders who’ve had that chopakickoffme/penis inversion surgery.

    And have no doubt that he craves wearing woman’s panties.

  3. I’ve always been curious why Libtard/Nazi/Communists try and keep everyone in their own little box. Tampon Tim is trying to assure all the rest of the commies he securely fits in the White Boy Box.
    It must be part of their mind control bull shit. People are easier to manipulate if they are predictable.

  4. What even IS a “white guy taco”?
    Sounds like cultural appropriation of Latino taco makers.

  5. Since Walz is from Minnesota he probably eats white guy food like hotdish made with cream of mushroom soup (puke) and lutefisk which is a fish like mucousy substance that is boiled in lye until it becomes a snot like consistency, double puke.

  6. Like I said before, he is representing the White man as a submissive, neutered, unimaginative buffoon who contributes noting to society.
    A milquetoast neanderthal who bows down to the black & brown person to add culture to their pathetic lives.
    White people suck and diversity is our strength is the message, loud & clear.
    I would love to punch the fat bastard in his stolen-valor fat face…

  7. Sad to say, but if idiot white Minnesotans hadn’t elected this mincing, soft-handed doughboy ponce of a Governor, we wouldn’t have to witness the embarrassing appeasement and abject groveling exhibited by this sad sack sellout.

    Pretty sure there are some bought-off or intimidated kids hidden in his past. Thanks, Minnesota. You haven’t been electing the best people many decades.

  8. Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. Two start with M and one starts with an upside down M. All three used to be places that genuine awesomeness came out of. As we’re looking at it now, all three are simps, lames, trannies, bLM, pantifa, and worst of all Somali retards (they think they’re smart, wit that 64 IQ).

    Where did the Scandinavians and the Germans go? Did they keep the farms in the families too long and inbreed to retardation themselves? Where are the hard headed nosrskies? This Walz character looks for all the world like a career pedophile and his occupational history backs it up strongly. Talks like one too.

  9. For at least two generations the commies have been killing off a major portion of the masculine male population of the USA in unnecessary wars. This was on purpose. Not all of us are gone, but just enough that our vote doesn’t matter.


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