Wanna Play Doctor? – IOTW Report

Wanna Play Doctor?

h/t MLM

22 Comments on Wanna Play Doctor?

  1. My shop rate is $120.00 per hour. If I need to cool my heels 1.5 hours in a doctors office because of their poor planning I should be able to bill them. That’s the main reason I never go to my MD. Even after the cut my high blood pressure meds off. Fuck them.

  2. Must be one of those “metrosexuals” that I’ve heard about. Don’t worry babe he’s just flossing his teeth and doing his hair. He should be back in another hour.

  3. @Brad – if you need lower blood pressure without medications, google “vitamins to reduce blood pressure” or “nutrients to reduce blood pressure”.

    Here’s one link with a few suggestions:


    A close friend’s doctor decided to change his BP meds a few years ago for something newer. His blood pressure shot up to 170/100. The doctor put him back on his original meds along with the new one and his BP didn’t budge. I told him about some of the vitamins and with just magnesium, CoQ10 and vitamin C his BP was back down around 130/85 within a few weeks. The vitamins are a lot cheaper and no negative side effects.

    If you are taking a potassium sparing diuretic as a BP med, you want to avoid supplemental potassium (this type of diuretic makes the body store more potassium than normal).

  4. You’re welcome Brad. My friend was able to eventually ditch the newer BP med completely and cut his original med to a half dose and still has lower blood pressure than he did just on the original dose of his old med with the aid of the supplements. Both sides of his family have a history of heart disease and high blood pressure, so he really needed to get his down and he says it has worked well for him.

  5. But seriously, insurance, especially HOMs, dictates docs spend no more that 12 minutes per patient. I have a compassionate oncologist and GP. I know this because when I need extra time they give me their attention. I assume they meet the needs of their other patients when overtime is indicated. I understand good medical care cannot be doled out in strictly enforced 12 minutes per person.

    Sometimes I have gotten a call saying DR is running late, can I move my apt later, for example from 2:00 to 3:00.

    Docs who make you wait are probably giving other patients the extra time or trying to get back on schedule after an emergency. Think about that.

    If you needed more than 12 minutes for a medical consultation wouldn’t you rather be with a compassionate doc, or would you prefer to be brushed off after your “time” is up?

  6. One more thing, take it upon yourself and call the office, ask if the doc is running late. So easy for you to do.

    Oh another thing, just bring a book.

  7. Let me give you an idea as to why you have to wait so long for the doctor. Yes, there are instances were the doctor is poor in time planning, I go to one of those. But then people have to wait on me because I am waiting on them. You see, the great computer medical records actually increase the time for input of material. You come in with 20 mediations that you are taking, someone has to enter those meds in the computer. You don’t come in with your meds, someone has to call around and find what you are taking. You put down positive responses on your review of systems sheet, more time taken to enter, correlate and get into the computer several times. This is all being done by nurses who don’t think this stuff maters and it doesn’t, but the great minds that think that computers are so great, well they don’t even know the results of their programs. How do I know that, a good friend does the programing. I showed him the paper result of a visit and the number of pages was about 2 inches thick. Then guess what, some people actually want you to talk to them and demand answers to every question under the sun. Sure, I want them to be educated about their issue, but they get off on telling stories about their symptoms such as “my pain occurred when I was talking on the phone” and the story goes on to list all the cousins and people she talked to as well as the content of the conversation. This has no medial relevance but if you interrupt, then you are a bad doctor and don’t listen. The visit could have lasted 5 minutes and the patient well on the way to getting resolution of her problem, but instead in last 30 minutes and people are backed up. Then it is like rush hour when someone taps their break and for the nest two hours the traffic is backed up. Yes, you can spread out people to correct for this, but then you wanted socialized medical care and so the doctor is not the one governing the scheduling but and administrator who really does not care about your concerns. Then some people have the audacity to actually try and die or have a heart attack during your visit and you have to attend to those matters.

    You want better care, get the government out.

  8. Doctors double and triple schedule.
    That’s $98 to $165 per 12-minute “consult.”
    And the fuckin humps I went to charged an “Office Visit” to do a blood draw!
    Fuckin BULLSHIT.
    If it wasn’t for gettin sick, and shit, I’d never go to a fuckin doctor!

    Oh, the cartoon thingy is funny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Charging for just a blood draw isn’t right, blew my top when a doc I know tried to do this to me.

    Just take your lab slip to Quest or what ever lab. However, my new insurance, 3X the cost from last year, double the deductible, double the out of pocket for the same network I had last year, makes me pay for lab blood draw. An office visit blood draw is actually cheaper now.

    Sheesh! Hate that

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