Want birth control? Go buy it. Nobody is stopping you. – IOTW Report

Want birth control? Go buy it. Nobody is stopping you.

Matt Walsh

-You don’t forfeit your First Amendment freedoms when you decide to start a business. Obviously.

Progressives are rolling their eyes and scoffing at the notion that ‘a corporation can be religious.’ But a corporation is not some kind of disassociated entity that exists as a force independent of human involvement. A corporation, like a government, is comprised of people.

Corporation: an association of individuals.

The way leftwingers speak of it, you’d think that the association can somehow subsist even without the individuals. Like the individuals arise out of the association, instead of the other way around. How else could they be so confused about the basic reality that an individual does not suddenly lose his freedoms and his identity just because he is associated, by some arrangement or another, with other individuals? An individual forming an association for the purpose of providing some good or service, does not mean that, by some cosmic sorcery, he literally becomes the association itself.


17 Comments on Want birth control? Go buy it. Nobody is stopping you.

  1. I feel like a peeping tom reading a Matt Walsh opinion. Some months ago he said he only wanted only young people (millennials) on his blog. Being a non millennial, and wanting to comply with someone I respected and admired, I bowed out. Good to see he is still on the ball.

  2. I think aome of us are missing the point that birth control doesn’t necessarily control birth. I certainly am no woman, but my wife is. She is on the pill for something or another and it isn’t so she doesn’t get pregnant.

    For what it’s worth. We pay for her pills out of pocket because of 0care, we don’t have insurance.

  3. Look at how quickly ‘not paying for something’ has morphed into ‘oppressing our right to live how we want.’

    This is exactly why I hate progressives. They skip any and all effort to walk themselves through the logical aspects and jump straight to the pseudo emotional payoff…tingly, energizing and void filling faux outrage.

    The financial entitlement on display is amazing. It is such a given that feminists should get any funding that they apply a death stare towards that withholding the funding is seen as a sexist value judgment and not a financial allocation choice made by THE OWNERS OF THE MONEY. To clarify: No feminist is saying; ‘Oh well. It would have been a nice bonus but fair enough. It was your money anyway.’

  4. So they’re just pissed because Hobby Lobby et al, won’t pay for their ‘need’ to KILL their babies. That wouldn’t exist if they didn’t sleep with every Tom, DICK and Harry they looked at! Pathetic fools.

  5. FYI: Hobby Lobby’s health care plan includes access, copay-free, to the following sixteen categories of FDA-approved birth-control (out of a total of twenty that are FDA-approved):
    1.Male condoms
    2.Female condoms
    3.Diaphragms with spermicide
    4.Sponges with spermicide
    5.Cervical caps with spermicide
    6.Spermicide alone
    7.Birth-control pills with estrogen and progestin (“Combined Pill)
    8.Birth-control pills with progestin alone (“The Mini Pill)
    9.Birth control pills (extended/continuous use)
    10.Contraceptive patches
    11.Contraceptive rings
    12.Progestin injections
    13.Implantable rods
    15.Female sterilization surgeries
    16.Female sterilization implants

    The only four on the list are abortifacients that are rarely used anyway. Any hysteria on the left’s part is fake outrage.

  6. I really liked the phrase “synthetically offended” to describe the manner by which infintesimally small groups of people gain control of the talking stick and public microphone to direct attention to their pet peevishness.

    They never have an authentic basis for their grievances.

    See also: “Character Disturbance: the phenomenon of our age” by Simon

  7. A corporation is voluntary collectivism. Liberals only approved collectivism forced by government guns.

    Commies. There is nothing liberal about these insane control freaks. DO NOT call them or let them call themselves liberals. COMMIES.

  8. Um… we have a right to keep and bear arms, however we don’t have a right to a brick of 22LR ammo. Fact of the matter is, to an extent, it can be said that many among us who lack $70 are effectively being denied a brick of 22LR ammunition due to government policies that are causing market dislocation in the small arms ammunition business.

    To the best of my knowledge these damnable tramps can walk into any pharmacy, including one owned by someone who objects to providing such, and lay down a saw buck and walk out with the abortifacient of her choosing.

    Go figure.

  9. Hw about not having sex? When did copulation become mandatory? Back in the day people waited until they got married. Then the Kinsey guy came out with his study and said everybody has to be queer, upside down or turned into a biological Klein Bottle.

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