Want To Know Why Our Policy Now Favors Terrorists? – IOTW Report

Want To Know Why Our Policy Now Favors Terrorists?

AND: The Biden administration’s policy toward Iran and Islamic extremist organizations is regularly described in conservative circles as “weak-kneed,” “naïve,” “feckless” and the like. The suggestion is that this White House is filled with men and women who are not up to the challenge of confronting our nation’s enemies.

This is wrong. It is far too generous in fact. It misses the critical essential truth.

The Biden administration is not attempting to stand up to Iran and its minions and failing. It is, in fact, composed of people who side with the ayatollahs. To put this in old Western terms, for Biden and his advisors we are the bad guys. It is the Iranians and their radical Islamic associates who are wearing the white hats and deserve our support.

Consider Maher Bitar. Maher is the Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council. In that role, he coordinates intelligence between the White House and the Intelligence Community. He has access to all of the intelligence we collect worldwide -including sources and methods – and decides who inside the administration sees what. The person in this job is supposed to be an intelligence professional. Instead, in this case, it was given to a radical Palestinian with a long history of anti-Israeli activism and close association with known terrorist groups. MORE

10 Comments on Want To Know Why Our Policy Now Favors Terrorists?

  1. Until America wakes up the fact that islam is the religion of satan, nothing will change. It is not the radical islamists it is the fundamentalists of islam who are following the koran as it is written. Hate and kill the Jews, and anyone who does not covert must be enslaved or killed. the so called good muslims who do not believe in the terrorism will be killed as apostates.

  2. I understand the sentiment expressed here but even this gives them too much credit.

    The Globalists have an agenda, our government is filled/run by Globalists, ergo, all actions and policies are tailored towards those ends, it really is that simple.

    The main tenet of the Globalists is to realign the current world power structure. The US (and Israel within the M.E. sphere) are at the top of the food chain, so this is where their attention is directed.

  3. Between Oblowme’s communist upbringing (his maternal grandparents) and Iranian born ValJar’s role and influence in his life and administration, feckless, brainless Slow Joe is taking us right where the globalist-communist-totalitarianist want the US to go.

  4. Now that The United States no longer is the champion of political and economic freedom even to a limited extent, the world has no moral leadership whatsoever. Anything can happen and probably will.


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