Want To Stop ‘Climate Change’? – IOTW Report

Want To Stop ‘Climate Change’?

Stop  poo emoji ing!!!

Pirate’sCove: Here we have yet another example of Climarettes, which is a horrible affliction that makes believers in anthropogenic climate change interject the issue into everything.

Climate Change Is Contaminating Water Sources With Fecal Matter

The global water crisis has become more dire now that climate change is threatening the drinkability of water, even that which comes from reliable sources.

New testing procedures have found that 1.8 billion people may be imbibing water contaminated by E.coli, which means there are traces of fecal matter in it, according to UNICEF. And this includes sources that have undergone improvements. MORE

chocolate starfish

14 Comments on Want To Stop ‘Climate Change’?

  1. “… global water crisis …”

    Stated as a given, even though the Earth is 3/4 covered with water and it is ONLY the thieving gov’ts of the World which prevent an abundance of potable water.

    If everything is a “crisis” then there is NO “crisis.”

  2. Au contraire, Tim, as noted in the article above, even a crisis can become a “more dire” crisis, trumping all “less dire” crises! After that, I would imagine a crisis can become a double plus bad crisis! Bottom line, let’s just remain afraid. It’s what they want.

  3. Once again Whitey has ruined the entire planet.
    This calls for reparations for all the people who shit in the bushes in their own countries and then our global warming comes along and gets it all wet and makes it stink again.

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