WaPo Claims Northam Is Reportedly Considering Resignation – IOTW Report

WaPo Claims Northam Is Reportedly Considering Resignation


DC: Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is considering resigning his post, according to a Sunday report from The Washington Post.

The report comes just one day after a meandering press conference in which Northam apologized for the racist picture that appeared in his 1984 medical school yearbook, detailed a time in which he “darkened his face” as a part of a Michael Jackson costume, insisted that he was not either of the individuals in the picture, and declined to resign.

Northam reportedly met with senior staff in an unscheduled meeting Sunday evening before the Super Bowl started. Sources from the meeting told The Washington Post that the Virginia governor still had not decided whether or not to resign.“It was unclear who was there, besides that it involved senior staffers of color,” the Post reported. “But Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, who would become governor if Northam resigned, was not there, the people said.”  more

SNIP: Is Northam getting nervous because the medical school is now doing its own investigation of the yearbook photos?

16 Comments on WaPo Claims Northam Is Reportedly Considering Resignation

  1. Stunned. No idea what’s going on. Normally the communist, er, scuze me, the democrats spike the truth when democrats do what democrats accuse Republicans of doing. But the democrats are hanging this democrat out to dry. Why?

  2. judgeroybean”…But the democrats are hanging this democrat out to dry. Why?”

    I think there are two main reasons, and neither has much to do with blackface. The first is northam’s statements on post birth abortion, or killing babies. He spoke the truth about what the abortion industry wants for their future, and they can’t have that known. The second is that fairfax is against several energy projects in Virginia, and also the coal industry. I’m sure there are other social issues too, but those two reasons stick out to me.

  3. What now?
    From Big League Politics again…

    “Stanford Fellow Hints At Possible Justin Fairfax Sex Assault
    A woman named Vanessa Tyson, who is a fellow at Stanford University, says that a man who allegedly sexually assaulted her at the 2004 Democratic National Convention is now an office-holder about to get a “very big promotion,” according to a screenshot provided by a tipster. A friend of Tyson’s named Adria Scharf, based in Richmond, Virginia, shared the “heartbreaking” message, which Tyson wrote as a private post.“


  4. judgeroybean”…But the democrats are hanging this democrat out to dry. Why?”

    …in addition to Toby’s points, it ALSO gives them a full-retard leftist Governor of the preferred pigmentation who was so out there he could NEVER otherwise be ELECTED as Governor. Maybe that’s it.

    …also, they can still blame Republicans for making the environment where this was OK. It was the Reagan years, after all.

    …and, it takes focus OFF the outright murder of the innocent. Look over HERE, Black people are offended! Works every time. And, if they have to throw a White guy down the stairs, well, they don’t like THEM anyway, and they make GREAT sacrificial lambs, you could ask Ambassador Stevens how THAT works if he wasn’t entirely dead…

  5. Toby,
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  6. Looks like WaPo knew about the allegation of sexual assault…Where’s the #MeToo #IBelieveInSurvivors now?

    From Fox News:
    “The Post carefully investigated the claim for several months,” Fairfax’s office said in a statement. “After being presented with facts consistent with the Lt. Governor’s denial of the allegation, the absence of any evidence corroborating the allegation, and significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegation, the Post made the considered decision not to publish the story.”

    Fairfax’s office added: “Tellingly, not one other reputable media outlet has seen fit to air this false claim. Only now, at a time of intense media attention surrounding Virginia politics, has this false claim been raised again.”



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