WaPo couldn’t track down Hillary’s wrong-doings but they managed to find 9 year-old ‘Pickle’ – IOTW Report

WaPo couldn’t track down Hillary’s wrong-doings but they managed to find 9 year-old ‘Pickle’

And he’s as cute as a button.



The fake news journalists over at The Washington Compost actually thought it would be a good use of their time to track down a nine year old fan of President Donald Trump to make sure he’s not a mythical character or, perhaps worse, a Russian.

The child in question first came into the public spotlight during a White House Press Briefing as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read out a letter addressed to the President.

She later tweeted a scan of the letter from the kid, named Dylan aka Pickle.

Unsurprisingly, the idea of a child not being indoctrinated by the progressive agenda was far too much for a number of liberals to handle.

Said liberals subsequently lashed out at Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her tweet and attacked the very existence of Dylan aka Pickle.


19 Comments on WaPo couldn’t track down Hillary’s wrong-doings but they managed to find 9 year-old ‘Pickle’

  1. Bet the press will think twice before pursuing percieved lies after this… probably not.
    They’re so used to peddling lies they think everyone does it.

  2. Pickle’s mom asks, “How could someone be so mean….?”

    Dear Pickle’s Mom: Because the Left has nothing but hatred in its collective heart, especially for the children.

  3. Projection, it’s what Progs do.
    At least he didn’t dismantle a clock, stuff it into a box and claim it as his “invention”.
    Then use it to terrorize a school with the hope of a lawsuit bonanza.
    That, by the way, was an adult doing the mechanization of deceit.
    Libs are such irresponsible twits.

  4. Wapo’s a threat to 9 year old kids
    who don’t toe the line. They tried
    harder for the minnow than Obambi’s
    whale stuffed with fake birth cert,
    SS card, and conflicting evidence
    on his school loan funding.

  5. Sooo…one of the most wealthiest mnn in the world (Jeff Bezos) uses his propaganda arm to go after a nine year old?

    Enjoy your products from Amazon.com as you continue to feed the beast.

  6. If memory serves me they would have been better off checking the stories written by some of the professional (affirmative action) reporters before they gave them awards.

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