WaPo: Elizabeth Warren Taking Selfies Makes Her Just Like Frederick Douglass – IOTW Report

WaPo: Elizabeth Warren Taking Selfies Makes Her Just Like Frederick Douglass

“With this selfie factory, she’s normalizing that image — in the same vein that Douglass used photography.”

If you want to know how the liberal media is going to treat Elizabeth Warren going forward, especially if she gets the Democratic nomination, a recent piece in the Washington Post is a good indicator.

Warren’s campaign has found a useful new hook. She sticks around after events to be photographed with supporters. Hannah Natanson of the Washington Post has somehow managed to link this to the famous former slave, abolitionist, and author Frederick Douglass.

Read more  at Legal Insurrection.

16 Comments on WaPo: Elizabeth Warren Taking Selfies Makes Her Just Like Frederick Douglass

  1. My grandfather spoke of his father being at an event with Mr. Douglas. He was going to get in the line for a selfie with him but said the long line and the time it took for the photographer to change the plates in the camera and to put the powder in the flash tray and then wait for the smoke to clear between each picture he would have missed the stagecoach home.

  2. The Good GENERAL Svejk, I’m laughing so hard, the tears just won’t stop! Going to watch again.

    BTW, did you see the kitty in the window? I’m sure he was going, “What is THAT?”!

  3. heard she had dismal polling #s among Blacks … guess, this is the way Princess Pandering Jemima’s gonna pick up the Sista’s & Bro’s



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