WaPo Finally Admits Trump DIDN’T Incite Riot With Speech… ‘Planned In Advance’ – IOTW Report

WaPo Finally Admits Trump DIDN’T Incite Riot With Speech… ‘Planned In Advance’

National Pulse:

The report is buried in the “local” and “legal” sections of the Washington Post website, as archived by The National Pulse here.

Written by three non-political reporters, the Washington Post story illustrates just how out of control the blatant misinformation about “incitement” by the President has been over the past two weeks.

WaPo reported:“Self-styled militia members from Virginia, Ohio and other states made plans to storm the U.S. Capitol days in advance of the Jan. 6 attack, and then communicated in real time as they breached the building on opposite sides and talked about hunting for lawmakers, according to court documents filed Tuesday.“While authorities have charged more than 100 individuals in the riots, details in the new allegations against three U.S. military veterans offer a disturbing look at what they allegedly said to each other before, during and after the attack — statements that indicate a degree of preparation and determination to rush deep into the halls and tunnels of Congress to make “citizens’ arrests” of elected officials.”

The report goes on:

SNIP: But we’re still going to ignore the arrests of John Sullivan and BLM/Antifa who were all inside the building?

12 Comments on WaPo Finally Admits Trump DIDN’T Incite Riot With Speech… ‘Planned In Advance’

  1. That was just to help Biden back down from the razor wire and 20,000 troops by Friday. I think they didn’t realize how insane and paranoid that shit looks to almost everybody.

    If you’re trying to lob a nuke at Trump, you might want to make sure you’re outside the blast radius. Nice touch with the crew-served weapons and armored personnel carriers, Pelosi…not crazy. At. All.

  2. All I can say is that joey will not and ever be my President. I have less than zero respect for a brain addled cheat and thief who blatantly stole the election right out from under our noses with help from the media and all their ilk and the the gutless, weenie, spineless coward RINO’s like the turtle, Romney etc. They can all go to Hell and take Georges Soros with them.

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