WAPO – Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn’t Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All – IOTW Report

WAPO – Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn’t Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: For weeks now, the anti-Trump media has been beating their drum and saying the White House used to have a “pandemic response team” and that DJT in a fit of stupidity got rid of it. Because hey, we never have pandemics! Who needs them?  This has been shouted thousands of times over the course of the past weeks by the soft skulls on the tweeter, from major newspapers to fake cable news networks, and in every Democrat campaign rally.

It turns out this story originated with an op-ed in the Washington Post written by one Elizabeth Cameron, who ran the White House pandemic office under Barky Obama. Some sort of change was made to her former domain when the Trump Administration took over and Cameron was apparently butthurt DJT touched it. So she fired the off a shot that Democrats and their media leg humpers have been riffing off ever since.

Just One Problem: It’s not true…..

3 Comments on WAPO – Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn’t Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All

  1. The washington post is a fascist rag, and the stink and corrosive effect on our country rests squarely in the lap of it’s malignant doofus owner, jeff bezos.

    Jeff Bezos. Amazon owner. Financier of treason.


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