WaPo Report: Lindsey Graham Demanded Police Shoot Unarmed Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

WaPo Report: Lindsey Graham Demanded Police Shoot Unarmed Trump Supporters

Western Journal: The rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were breaking the law that day. As the day unfolded, many Americans from across the political spectrum looked on with disgust and dismay.

Thankfully, the situation never escalated to a point of extreme violence, as many on the left have since claimed.

Nevertheless, according to an extensive Sunday report from The Washington Post, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina believed the rioters should have been shot by Capitol Police upon entering the building illegally.

According to the report, Graham was “irate that senators were forced to flee their own chamber.”

“What are you doing? Take back the Senate! You’ve got guns. Use them,” Graham reportedly told the Senate sergeant-at-arms.

“We give you guns for a reason,” he reiterated. “Use them.”

If the Post’s reporting can be believed, this could be damning news for Graham. more here

18 Comments on WaPo Report: Lindsey Graham Demanded Police Shoot Unarmed Trump Supporters

  1. I have seen this breathlessly reported the past couple of days. What sort of corroboration is there? Any more than that for the Southwest pilot saying ‘Let’s Go Brandon’? Not buying it if the only source is WaPo.

  2. WJ: “Thankfully, the situation never escalated to a point of extreme violence, as many on the left have since claimed.”

    Ashli Babbitt would disagree if she hadn’t been the victim of extreme violence. And “many on the left” claim Babbitt’s murder was NOT extreme violence, but peaceful protesters walking into the Capitol by invitation of the guards WAS somehow extreme violence.


  3. Bush Republicans have said that for a year. Liz and Adam said it on all the “news” this week.
    Bush has always hated conservatives, (why I did not vote for him) so his people hate conservatives. not hard to understand; if you give it some thought.

  4. Establishment globalist p’os.
    All of them.
    Bitch McConnell,
    Lindsey Grahamnesty,
    All of them.

    They’re silent about J6 political prisoners, A. Babbitt’s murder and Obiden’s dictates.

    Trump won!
    Epstein didn’t kill himself.
    Let’s go Brandon!

  5. Sad to think that DJT paid this Democrat mole any attention at all. I suppose when all you have is a pile of turds, picking the least nasty one is a challenge.

    Republicans &

  6. And yet we have a massive invasion of our country and there have been no orders given to repel the invaders by shooting them with the guns the border cops have been given for that very purpose! Miss Lindsey give the order!!


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