WaPo Report: Robert Mueller Investigating “Obstruction of Justice” Claims – IOTW Report

WaPo Report: Robert Mueller Investigating “Obstruction of Justice” Claims

Conservative Treehouse:

According to a Washington Post report, based on two more unnamed “officials”, special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating President Donald Trump for ‘obstruction of justice’ presumably based on the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

This report/outcome is not unexpected as it would be part of Mueller’s investigative duty to follow-up on any assertions made in this regard regardless of merit.

(Washington Post) […] Trump had received private assurances from former FBI Director James B. Comey starting in January that he was not personally under investigation. Officials say that changed shortly after Comey’s firing.

Five people briefed on the requests, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said Daniel Coats, the current director of national intelligence, Adm. Mike Rogers, head of the National Security Agency, and Rogers’ recently departed deputy, Richard Ledgett, agreed to be interviewed by Mueller’s investigators as early as this week. The investigation has been cloaked in secrecy and it’s unclear how many others have been questioned by the FBI.

…The obstruction of justice investigation into the president began days after Comey was fired on May 9, according to people familiar with the matter. Mueller’s office has now taken up that work, and the preliminary interviews scheduled with intelligence officials indicate his team is actively pursuing potential witnesses inside and outside the government.

The interviews suggest Mueller sees the attempted obstruction of justice question as more than just a “he said, he said” dispute between the president and the fired FBI director, an official said.” (link w/ paywall)

It would appear the FBI and Robert Mueller’s team are still leaking information as noted by President Trump attorney:

“The White House now refers all questions about the Russia investigation to Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz. “The FBI leak of information regarding the President is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal,” said Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Kasowitz.”

As we previously discussed – The risk represented by Robert Mueller is not connected to or about anything surrounding the Russian Conspiracy Narrative; the legal risk is within ‘the leaking‘ of classified intelligence information to undermine the administration, the potentially illegal ‘unmasking‘, and now adding an obstruction of justice angle.

Continued Here

18 Comments on WaPo Report: Robert Mueller Investigating “Obstruction of Justice” Claims

  1. I read this earlier and I’m fucking fuming. Where are the Repub leadership in shooting this shit down. How can he be charged with obstruction when there’s been no crime? Keep it up assholes. Newts right. Disband, prosecute these partisan traitors.

  2. The FBI is not a “watchdog” overseeing the president, it’s an agency under his management.

    If the swamp succeeds in nullifying the election of a president it doesn’t like with confected “process crimes”, popular sovereignty via the ballot box will have been repealed. What’s the next best form of government of and by the people?

  3. The way I understand it is, if Trump asked Comey to stop the investigation on Mike Flynn, Comey should have reported to the DOJ immediately. It was his duty to do so. I don’t know shit from schinola at this point. But it all smells like cowshit, with witch I am very familiar, having worked on a farm for many years.
    I really, truly hate these politico motherfuckers anymore.

  4. He’s comey the coward’s boo. He is in violation of having personal ties to BFF. Would it surprise anyone here if that vile coward comey got immunity for setting this thing up with Mueller? It wouldn’t surprise me.

  5. Trump keeps handing his enemies the knives, daggers, swords and broad axes that they are going to use to eviscerate, dismember and behead him with. Firing Comey was a gift to his enemies. Insulting Comey guaranteed that he would get even with leaks and with his testimony before the Congressional Committee. Firing Mueller would be catastrophic. The Democrats and their MSDM mouthpieces are going to use every tactic they possess to derail him and his programs. There was no collusion with the Russians. They know that it was a phony charge, so now it’s obstruction of justice and violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Even if he is completely exonerated by Mueller and the Supreme Court, these false charges will be used to justify paralyzing his agenda. They couldn’t possibly impeach him in this Congress, so they will keep this alive until 2018. His enemies seem more determined than his allies.

  6. Marco?
    Holy shit, welcome to the party pal. I’d be really happy to call you my ally. Is this shit getting out of control or what? The battle is where you find it.

  7. There are plenty of Republicans who would like to see Pence take his place. Damage control will not be enough. Trump needs to realize that there are thousands of people involved in this effort to ruin his Presidency. They don’t care if it’s all built on lies and falsehoods. The end justifies their means.

  8. B_B: Trump’s hard core supporters are not more than 35% to 40% of the voters in the last election. The limp wafflers in Congress will wring their hands and go along to get along so they can get re-elected, then they will stop supporting the conservative agenda. Trump needs to win some political victories to regain the upper hand. I’m sure he knows this, but he needs to rally his supporters. I’d like to see him hold some more rallies around the country to turn this around.

  9. What’s will tell me whether Meuller will be a straight shooter is whether he identifies, fires then charges the leakers with a federal crime. This whole mess is based around unidentified leakers who take a single sentence out of context (or just make one up) and release it to their pet reporter who then builds a conspiracy out of it. Neuller can do a great service to his country by telling this to the American people as well as trace the leakers and arrest them. Get them in a jail cell looking at federal time and start up the food chain.

  10. I bet that Mueller has some dirt somewhere in his past and he better watch his traitorous ass. It’s torture waiting, but I just know that sometime before to long, when trump has the goods tied up with a bow, he will lower the boom. Its worth waiting for.

  11. We endured 8 YEARS of unbelievable LAWLESSNESS by each Cabinet in Barky’s ShitCircus plus the Fraud Preznit hisself, (a BS birth certificate for a multiple SSN holder, Fast & Furious, IRS, Benghazi, Iran treaty, Polling Place crimes…) and now the FBI is bobbing for apples fishing for something/anything until something stick to the wall.

    If they prosecute Trump on ANYTHING without prosecuting the obvious felon Clintons, the shit should REALLY hit the fan.

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